Bruce Pitts

Bruce Pitts

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Becoming an effective monitor, both of your class and individual students.

Taught my first class this week. I need to be more of a storyteller rather than just presenting the information and now that they mentioned it, I remember I was "fidgeting" at times playing with the cap on a dry erase marker (making that squeaky sound). 

You are the manager of your classroom. Instructional styles are all different. Be prepared for your class!

Peripherals in the classroom and the importance of color, but I was so impressed about the music to stimulate the alpha waves that I googled it and an now listening to it while completing this course. I will definitely be using this during practical exercises.

As an instructor, you must always be open to learning new things. Whether it's new subject matter or the way you present your material.

It's important to make notes about how your presentation went so you can make any necessary modifications before your next class.

It's important to monitor your students and take action to deal with problem students before they become disruptive to the other students in the class.

When dealing with challenging students, make sure to take a look at yourself first.

Explain to the students the basis for evaluation and explain course procedures. Set expectations for missed and late assignments

Make a to do list to help you keep on track. Greet your students as they arrive.

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