Madalaine Brooks-Kinder

Madalaine Brooks-Kinder

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Create healthy ways to reduce stress such as exercise, organizational tools, or meditation. 

Be open about your stessors and limitations.

Organize the space you are in and it will help organize your process.

It is very important to prioritize your time.

Having a high emotional intelligence is good for both your own overall health, and for working in a people focused environment.

Having good people skills is a necessary thing when working in a workplace environment. You need to have a good attitude, be attentive, and have empathy. Above all, be sure to utilize common sense.

Adults have different learning styles, usually shaped by their past educational experiences. Learning your students best methods will help you as an instructor reach/teach them best.

Right vs left brain, or different parts of the brain being responsible for different thinking processes and abilities, is an interesting concept. I'd be interested in reading more about multiple intelligences, and will further my education on this section of learning styles in my personal time.

Adult learners like to have a say in what/how they learn. 

While I believe the idea that a person may only be successful within their age group based on the given set of standards Havighurst suggests to be outdated, I appreciated seeing the model and his point of view.

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