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New boss

I think alot of this in my opinion is common sense. I feel it is important to make sure our bosses have the right background to be able to lead by example.

how to deal with angry boss

always pick the time when your boos is not mad ,not angry and not hungry use indirect conversation with him use email instead of direct conersation ,,,

Getting along with the boss

After finishing this class, I realize how lucky I am to have the bosses that I do!

Modeling desired behavior

I think that one of the reasons that the classes that I teach tend to have high attendance and performance by the students is that I try very hard to model the behavior that I want. Sometimes, however, all tacts seem not to work. I think we need new stratagies to go beyond modeling, to reach students with greater learning challenges.

Obstacles to Change!

What are the most apparent and non-apparent obstacles to change in the work place?


It's never good to assume what is on your managers mind - probably nothing related to your situation. It's good to study how to have proper ethics in the workplace - it seems like this will allow you to communicate in a positive not only to co-workers but to you clients.

Nice Idea

All of thats good in theory but putting it to practice is the hard part.

Getting Along Well With Your Supervisors

I have had two different supervisors while working in my current position. Both were excellent employers who were dedicated to taking care of their employees; however, they both have very different working styles. I think this forum was a good reminder that is is important to remember that while people may have different working styles, they may still be effective leaders. Also, communication is better than silence.


Great tips for handling stress

Personal Self Assessment

I felt this was a helpful form CA101 and will there be a part two? Maybe that deals with it from a instructors point of view.

This tutorial forgot to mention one thing

This tutorial forgot to mention good health. Healthy eathing habits and exercise.


I find that excercise helps me to manage my stress; running is an excellent exercise and when I finish my route for the day, everything seems easier by comparison.


I appreciate these new skills on getting along with my boss


It has taken me a long time to learn how to balance stress and leaving it in the workplace. I have always encouraged my team to have a balance between work and an outside life, but for a long time I was not practicing what I was preaching!

Goal Setting

In some cases is it acceptable to set very high goals that may be unrealistic to encourage the team to work harder?

Strengths and Weaknesses

This information has been very useful. I work in a department of 30 and in order to successfully manage the group, my boss and I have to play off of each other's strenths and weaknesses constantly. This forum reinforced how important it is to do that!

Stress from worrying

I am one of those people who constantly worry, and it tends to stress me out. I try the "don't sweat the small stuff" theory, but I still worry. Any suggestions?

Professional and Instructional development

When an employee (instructor) is pursuing formal training, the greatest benefit to you (employer) is if that training is directly related to the field in which they teach. If an instructor can advance professionally, then that gained knowledge or skill can be translated into experience or shared as information passed on to the students. Everyone benefits, not just that individual employee.

good boss

I am very fortunate to have a good boss. I do my job reliably and efficently and he does the same for me, we have a great working relationship.

Handling Workplace Stress

What are some ways that you have personally handled workplace stress or helped others to do so?