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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Professional and Instructional development

When an employee (instructor) is pursuing formal training, the greatest benefit to you (employer) is if that training is directly related to the field in which they teach. If an instructor can advance professionally, then that gained knowledge or skill can be translated into experience or shared as information passed on to the students. Everyone benefits, not just that individual employee.

good boss

I am very fortunate to have a good boss. I do my job reliably and efficently and he does the same for me, we have a great working relationship.

Handling Workplace Stress

What are some ways that you have personally handled workplace stress or helped others to do so?

Handling Workplace Stress

What are some ways that you have personally handled workplace stress or helped others to do so?

Stress and Motivation

Is stress a motivator, a distracter, or both? Please explain.

Crisis Management

"It is possible to plan for a crisis situation." Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Your Crisis Management Action Plan

What factors do you look for to determine if and when a crisis situation may occur? What would be your first plan of action?

Change Agent or Change Blocker?

Do you consider yourself a change agent or a change blocker? Why? Does it depend on the type of change involved?

The Change Process in an Organization

What steps do you follow to effectively create, implement and manage the reaction to change in your institution?

Stress Relief

How can an individual reduce stress on a daily basis?

Reasonable Goals

What is your perception of a reasonable goal? An unreasonable one?

Which Goal-Setting Process Would You Use?

Based upon the level of experience and motivation of your staff, would your goal-setting process for the team be top down, bottom up, or neither? Why?

Emplyee thinking

How can we help employees to open up and share when they have personal problems that are affecting their performance?

Keeping Morale High During Organizational Downturn

What can be done to improve employee morale during a downturn phase in an organization?

Handling Employee Personalities

I would like feedback on how to handle various types of personalities among employees.


I, like everyone else, have stress in my life. There are the personal obligations and the work obligations that can cause a fair amount of stress for a person. I try to find time to relax and to put aside those stress factors with some "me time". I will spend a few hours painting on the weekend, I write in my journal to get out some pent up stress or go see a mindless movie. Also I will go out to dinner with friends, which is what I call "us time" where we do not have to bring our stress with us. These activities make the stress I have in my life feel not as big as they once were. With this "me time" and "us time" I can think about other things and I help myself from burning out physically, mentally and emotionally.

Training buy in for employees

Employees can look at training as just another task to get out of the way or another load to their already full cart unless we show actual benefit for them. This benefit should be real and tangible. Something they can see, touch, feel. "What's in it for me?" is a legitimate question that should be expected. It also deserves an answer. What are some suggestions?

I am the boss

I currently supervise 5 associates and with this training I have learned a lot about myself and what employees may think.

What you can control

A key to handling stress is letting go of the belief that you can control what students will do or not do.

Importance of training

We have found that effective training is very important to our goal of continueing to improve our instructors. The greatest challenge is trying to have the instructors make good habits from what they have learned.