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Stress Management

Right now, I need to remember to only focus on the things that I can control.

CA 103- Stress Management

Managing my level of stress has definitely been the focus the last few years and most importantly within the last year. With a lot of external stress that is out of my control, I've had to come to the realization that it is in fact something that I cannot manipulate the outcome of. By acknowledging this, it has helped tremendously. Another way I've helped cope with the stress is to take about 2 minutes during the day or whenever I am feeling overwhelmed and drop everything and just sit in silence or write down anything that I need to accomplish… >>>


Negative stress can really be tough and even detrimental to one's health if not dealt with properly.  First understanding that you are stress and then being honest about what it is that's actually stressing you can allow you to get proper help for yout stress. Yes I understand there are some positive stress that helps us complete goals or projects, but do understand that the stress even if you believe it's positive can become negative if not handled effective. 


Stress is good for everyone but how you manage it is up to you.  Boiling water can harden an egg, but soften a potato.


I am stressed at times but I can recognize it.


Over the last year I have really worked to identify ways that I can reduce negative stress because I have realized I am the best version of myself as an educatory, wife, and mother when I do things to reduce unnecessary stress in my life. I also know that stress can be a positive thing in my life that pushes me to reach my goals.


I have absolutely been in stressful work environments.  I think stress is positive a lot of the time.  Stress means that you are getting better and learning new skills and abilities.  I can be on the lookout for others who may be experiencing a unhealthy level of stress. 


We each have a standard to uphold. It is important support those we work with and do t right thing for the great good of the goals we all strive to achieve whether it is in the school building or in sports.


Stress is something that everybody can have, and sometimes it can help you, but it can also not help you. some of the ways i handle stress is by listening to music and reading. I find these helping a lot and has a calming effect on me. 

Something I have to tell myself is to on worry on the things I can control and not worry on things that are outside of my control 


To better handle stress and pressure at home and at work we can do things like

  • Prioritize our health - Taking care of your personal health is important to live but also important because it's one less thing you need to stress about with being unhealthy.
  • Plan your workload - Consider how much work you have to do, the time you have to do it, and leave extra time for unexpected situations.
  • Ask for help - Whether you are overwhelmed or you just need assistance with what you're battling don't be afraid to ask for help.

Blessed NOT Stressed

Being able to take a breather and understanding what you can and can't control is key to staying sane for myself. I suffer from high anxiety and being able to understand how to manage my anxiety,  which also creates stress for myself, has helped me grow as a person. Just remember it's about your perception of things as well. Sometimes being stressed means you are doing something right. 

Best stress practices

Make time for yourself and don't be discouraged by hard times in the career. Every path has its trials and tribulations, and anything worth doing will have hardships. Be intentionally with your time and find healthy outlets to help with those stressful times.


Great leaders understand how they communicate is important to how things get done correctly. It is not about being the loudest or who has the most authority. When communicating it is important to know your message, your mean of communication and who you are trying to reach.

CA 103

I learned that stress is a prevalent occurrence in the workplace, and you need to find different ways to help relieve your stress before it leads to burnout. 

Stress Management

I need to implement and practice ways to reduce stress at work and at home.  Take time for myself and create a plan for getting things completed.


I like the idea of identifying my own strengths and weaknesses. It is vital to identify things that are going well but also to identify areas of improvement within myself. This allows me to create an action plan to address these concerns and continually monitor my progress and make adjustments as needed. 

Understanding Management/Supervisor Role

In being a manager or supervisor,  leading with great actions will allow your team/organization to accomplish goals that a set forth. Employees will be willing to share ideas and or time to make sure projects are done properly.  When your actions are positive,  Employees will respond in a positive manner. 

Making good choices

This section explains that managers and leaders in an environment have a great deal of influence on their peers and subordinates.  As teachers we must set a good example for the students in the room.  We want to be able to show them what good practices are.  

What I do! pt 2

I also make a list, and it is for me to know what I need to get done. 

Managing Workplace Challenges

As we are trying to manage workplace challenges, we need to keep some key things in mind. Staying calm and fully analyzing the situation in front of us before we just blindly react. Making sure we can effectively define whatever challenge or problem we are facing will help us know what goals we need to set or what steps we need to take to not only manage these challenges but overcome them positively.