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Initially online I was more athoratative but as I've become more comfortable with the platform my style has become more relaxed and I tend to be more of a facilitator.

I learned the different traits of TC personality for instructors and learners and how them influence the on line learning enviroment.


I have taught at length both classroom and online.  They require different communication skills.  Online, you do not see immediate emotion and must understand to foolow the student very closely to ensure effective communication and understanding of task requirements.

As instructors thinks about personality traits which may make them more successful.  However on an online enviroment, without interpersonal meetings, in an asynchronist enviroment, this is a totally useless module.  It says several things should be considered. The following are most important. A successful instructor

  • respects students; (Hard to gain online)
  • creates a sense of community; (Provided students take the time to participate)
  • is warm and caring; (Hard to have without personal contact)
  • is accessible;
  • is enthusiastic;
  • sets high expectations;
  • has a love of learning;
  • is a leader;
  • can “shift-gears”;
  • collaborates with colleagues; and 
  • maintains professionalism.

Successful instructors incorporate personality characteristics into various aspects of their teaching to create a welcoming and respectful learning environment for all students. Instructors must listen to students’ ideas and value what they can bring to the classroom. Students will then feel they are learning in a safe environment and begin to express their own feelings/beliefs while they learn to respect and listen to others.

Still not sure how this happens on an online situation.


I believe the days of academics sitting in the ivory tower spewing forth pearls of wisdom that students will happily retrieve are gone.  The modern student expects far more than the traditional instructor-centric method of teaching, which includes the authority/lecture style we all know so well.  As Seth Soronnadi said we need to create a sense of belonging, community, and genuinely care about the students and what they are learning.  Furthermore, we also need to address how personalities, both that of the instructor and student, play into the equation.


We have to use a variety of teaching styles and personality styles to be successful an instructor.  We cannot always do what is comfortable to us.  And we must be willing to try new things and accept failure as a way to do it better next time.

I have learned not to lose sight of the importance of creating a sense of community and sharing that includes all. I have often found that the more sharing of experiences, that apply to the topic being covered, the more the content comes to life. This also creates a more engaging learning environment and allows for better understanding of applying the principles being discussed.

"When the instructor creates a sense of community. Students understand how they fit within the learning community and thus are comfortable sharing with their peers." 

I am accostumed to assess and identify different personalities in students, however, I had not made the connection with their learning style. I will pay closer attention in the future. 


It is important to understand how different personalities respond to on line learninng.

I learned about successful instructor and student personaality traits.   


Understandind the personality and motivation of students, learning modality should be changed, which will help the students to learn.



Instructors must be flexible in switching teaching styles depending on students color traits.


I believe that a blended approach to instruction may be beneficial in order to reach students with a variety of personality types.


Getting to know the learning styles or learning habits of students is helpful in determining your approach to teaching.

I have learnred about the different teaching methods, and I can say the teachers that I had that just was about giving the lectures was not my most favorite courses. I really enjoyed teachers who were more of a coach with the information and the ones who helped connect you with the information. 


Taking into accout all of the various personality traits is essetinal to effective instruction.  One needs to be able to do so as an instructor so that the best learning can take place.  One also needs to identify the different personality traits in their learners so that learning can take place.  This is a very subject matter that is easy to various interpretation. 

Hmm...How does an online instructor of 50+ students accommodate all their personality traits?


I see where difernt types of learner will need differnt types of instruction when using an online environment. I also learned that people can have multiple types


I learned that an instructor can change their teaching style if one isn't working.  It's not difficult to switch from an Authority to Demonstrator if that's how the students are going to learn.  


I learned making the classroom like a community is helpful for all learners.


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