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Since physical presence is limited or nonexistent, online instructors must make every effort to maintain a sense of presence!

Everyone learns differently. It is good to recognize that and adapt per student accordingly.

I have to learn that communication is the key to a successful class. There are different types and situations, the discussion board is a great tool to maintain engagement with students to avoid poor/lack of online participation.

I find that in order to be successful in an online course the student and the instructor must be open-minded, self-motivated, self-disciplined, time management, basic computer skills, and teamwork. They must conduct themselves in a professional manner as they would in their career. 

To me a key element for any student's success is Self-Motivation

Giving feedback is important to assist students to communicate better.

Learned about the different communication styles for each generation.

The different style of learning of each generation including through technology. 

Never assume the student is okay. Too much communication is better than not enough. 

Get to know different methods of communication between generations to clarify any misunderstandings.

Be aware of the generations within your classroom and their communication styles. Again, make sure communication policies are upfront and concise. Help to encourage participation by participating when needed, but also allow for students to self learn and help their peers as well. 

Communicating as clearly as possible will enable students' success within the course's engagement process and in terms of teamwork.

Key part of the communication process is to know which verbal and physical language use according to the topics and the team that we are introducing to the course. Communication skills are the key.

I am hoping to utilize some of the things I've learned here to encourage more open communication and exchange of ideas among my students in the virtual discussions we have. It's inspired me to really think about ways to subtly make them feel more comfortable sharing their insights and point of view through modeling good communication tactics a bit more in my interactions with them.

Encouraging students to communicate online with civility involves fostering a respectful digital environment. I emphasize the importance of thoughtful expression, active listening, and constructive feedback. It's crucial to promote inclusive language and discourage any form of cyberbullying. 

It is important for me to understand that students in different age groups may communicate differently.  It will be important for me to make sure all students are participating and that the rules for participating are clear.

Clear boundaries. Miscommunication will happen. AND different generations communicate differently.

I so appreciate being able to gain more knowledge about this area when it comes to engaging with students within an online setting.

I was surprised to find that the millennial start in 1977- I thought it started in the mid 80s

The most important thing I learned from this module is the need to communicate differently based on generational differences.  What works for one generation of students may not work for others.  As a Professor, it is important to vary your communication style based on the needs of your students.

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