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With high school students, it is very necessary to model what each type of communication should look like and to create opportunities for students to practice communicating. For example, if a student turns in an assignment late, they must email me and explain why the assignment is late. The email must have a subject, greeting, and closing. I give them feedback on the email. 


I learned I need to hold students more accountable for their online communication.  I also need to be more consistent with my syllabus to set the rules for communication. 

Ensure the students are aware of the consequences that come with them not responding to the discussion questions in the proper manner. Making sure the guidelines are written on how it is acceptable on how you would like and what it is acceptable on answering the discussion questions.


I learned the importance of providing clear expectations.  I intend to apply this skill while instructing online students.

It is importance for the instructor to establish a code of conduct for communication on an online course. I like the rubric idea as well.




In this course I learned that we must establish a clear,consistent and form code of communication that will allow participation from all students. 


Communication in my current online course situation is S2I and I2S. I need to be more definitive with my explanation of when I will and not be checking emails and work harder to be consistent in keeping to those guidelines.

I learned about a pattern of communication which is defined as consistent forms of communication used frequently.


I learned that creating a pattern of communication is an essential.  This pattern should include I2S, S2I, and S2S communications.  By creating this pattern helps everyone involved to have a clear vision of how communication should be included.

I will use this knowledge to guide creating policies and rubrics for expected communication in my courses.

I liked the idea of the Academic Honesty Policy.  It was well written, to the point, and I liked that each student signs/returns it, so there are no excuses for inappropriate/non helpful comments.  I plan to use this idea in an online course to be sure expectations are well understood before we begin.  

Protocols, expectations and consistency are very important.  I like the rubric at the end.  I have many students who are afraid to speak, so if they know my expectations, they might be less hesitant. 


The ttraining reinforces thet Instructors should make no assumptions as to students may know in tregards to communication;therefore, it is essential to make all possible communication modes,  between teacher and students and students and students and teacher and student, clearly explained.  We all come from different environments and some students will not know how to respond properly unless it is clearly explained by the instructor.


Instructors must investigate various standards to uphold courteous communication and develop protocols for respectful communication.

I learned the importance of establishing a communication code of conduct which needs to be part of the syllabus and possibly taught to the students more in depth if they have little experience with online classes.


Common sense should be the basic rule, but without experience, common sense may not be common. The instructor must also model appropriate communication and demonstrate leadership in this area. Setting standards early in the course is a necessary step to establish a level of professionalism.


The above exert from the module regarding common sense is perfect. As teachers, we must make sure that we are covering all areas, even if it seems like our students should know it. Modeling appropriate communication techniques is also vital to create a positive learning environment. 

This is not so much what I learned but rather what I appreciate. I appreciated the sample communication code of conduct and the sample list of components in a patteren for communication. These are very very helpful. 


This lesson was a great overview and reminds us that communication truly is a bridgebuilding process.



Establishing good communication is the bedrock of online teaching.  Good planning is a necessity.  Determining netiquette, civility, courtesy, etc. , then developing guidelines to suit your class leads to proper management of the communication process.

I have learned to always establish rules and consequences for E-learning.  Students have to understand that even thought they are using online tools they are still consequences and etiquette for completing online activities.  Also, that I must have specific hours of availability so that students can ask questions and receive answers in a timely manner. 

I really liked the rubric, we always tend to look at that for assignments, but not ancillarys to an assighment. 

I plan to utilize the rubric in my next lauch of my online class.

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