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I have learned that I need to teach students how to communicate with each other well.  Guidelines need to be set and modeled to establish strong S2S communication.


Having a pattern of communication makes the communication transparent to the students.   Explicitly state what you expect the communication to look like, up front, and what value appropriate communication might add to the student's grade.    Rubrics can be useful for that, but at least a statement about what is expected, clearly, is important.   Make clear when you will check email or other communication, including whether you are available on weekends.  


I learned how important communication is so I plan to develop a communication code of conduct that is clear, concise, and encourages a positive learning environment.

I learned that understanding communication and how to ensure a communication code of conduct that is clear, consice, and encourages a learning envionrment is vital.

I enjoyed this module as I thought there was much practical information.

In section 1 an Academic Honesty policy was provided. This is the example:

Examples of policy statements include:

  • Each student must do his/her own work and submit it electronically
  • Each student must use technology for appropriate uses only
  • Students may not collaborate with peers unless the instructor specifically states this may be done
  • Students may not submit other students' work
  • Students may not plagiarize
  • Students may not use copyrighted material

Consequences for students may include, but are not limited to:

  • Earn a zero on the assignment, project, etc.
  • Fail the course
  • Be required to provide a research paper on cheating or unethical behavior and/or letter of apology
  • Be placed on probation
  • Be suspended
  • Be expelled


In section 2 a sample paragraph, to be included in the syllabus, was provided to help establish the communication guidelines. Yhis is the paragraph: 

"Communication in this course will be conducted through email and the online discussion board. If you have specific questions pertaining to the course, assignments, projects, etc., post those questions on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) discussion board. Anyone may answer the FAQs and bonus points may be earned for complete, correct answers. Use email if you have a personal question that should not be posted on the discussion board. Questions posted to the discussion board and sent via email will be responded to within 24 hours."



To encourage participation and also monitor communication guidelines, rubrics should be used.


Another rich module.  Communication plays such a  big part in the success of an online course.  In this module I learned the importance of developing a communication code of conduct.  This code of conduct informs students of the expectations and consequences.  As the instructor, constant monitoring and timely feedback must be provided.

I've  never heard of a communication code of conduct.  I understand the need for it and will seek to implement one next schoolyear.


establish a clear and concise set of rules and stay consistent, is what i find will help the students and the instructor to succeed


-Establishing a pattern of communication is essential for consistent communication.

-Guidelines must be established for effective communication.

-Develop protocols for respectful communication. Students must be made aware of the protocols and consequences for not following the rules. No surprises.



  • teachers should communicate everything up front which includes the code of communication conduct, consequences, what is expected from the students when answering questions from the discussion board, making sure they know with ample time the due dates of projects and assignments

I learned a new word-- netiquette. I learned that in an email one should not use text messaging acronyms and that one should use a greeting and a closing when emailing. replying to a post should enhance and / or move forward the conversation and it was re-iterated that upfront detailed information given to the students in an organized way is crucial. I learned that brevity is best in an email and in a text. i hope I can apply lesson more often in my daily contacts. 


This section focuses on the importance of setting up guidelines for effective communication.  Students and instructors needs clear guidelines on what types of communication methods to be used, how often to communicate and appropiate responces.  Students also must know consequences for inproper communication.


Planning before the course and setting up clear communication guidelines will foster effective communication.  

Ive always been a fan of the following statement: "simple Talk is simply understood!" I believe that this would hold true in an online communinications as well! set ground rules and abide by them!

It's important to set expectations for communicatoin at the beginning of the course. A rubric can be used to evaluate appropriate student-to-student communication.

It is important for there to be a code of conduct in place and for every person involved in the online course to understand what is appropriate and what is expected of them.  This should be clear from the very beginning. It is also important to have a clear line of communication. 

I have learned the importance of a rubric for online learning and to make expectations clear. Discussions must include more than "I agree." 


In establishing communication standards, an instructor needs to model appropriate communication and demonstrate leadership. It is also important to monitor the communication area to ensure that the dialogue is appropriate. I will develop a rubric to use to assess the adherence to the communication standards by studrnts  and also have my assignment due dates fall on my office days so that I can deal with issues that might arise

Teaching in an online environment requires a neat and organized rubric.


Codes of conduct are necessary for online classes.  They should include cheating, appropriate language and consequences should also be clearly stated in the syllabus.

Protocols are inportant when listing the proper way in which students are to participate, and these are best captured with specific rules and expectations in the Syllabus as well as class Rubrics.

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