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I have learned that using other forms of technology to make your initial point and to make sure that your students are getting all aspects of what you are teaching is important and can be done in so many ways. Being able to not only have a class view YouTube videos, but also to be able to have those videos or the link to them attached in a PowerPoint that you are also lecturing to them makes teaching and learning for a student a great learning tool.


i found this very interesting with all of the learning tools that are available for instructors to use. i am new to this online teaching arena and look forward to discovering different techniques to enhance my students learning!


Assess technology tools provides necessary feedback to know if you shoul change tool your using.

As always having the necessary tools to complete any task successfully is the goal for all educators and students. It is counterproductive to expect anyone to be successful with less than what is needed or when whatever that is provided is subpar. It is great that we see the necessity of balance in this our educational system!

Much of this information has served as a refresher.  As an online instructor we understand the importance of the use of technology in our virtual classrooms. Much has happened in around the world in the past few weeks and being forced into isolation has been a challenge for many people. Knowing that we have technology to serve as a gateway to bridge this gap is great.  I appreciate technology even more these days. 


Being an older instructor, just the terminology being used is new to me.  I am finding this helpful and will allow me to become familair with new methods to engage the younger students.  I also like the suggestion of what to add, what to drop and what to continue.

There are many tools available and I need to figure out which ones work for me and my students.


This module reviewed different teaching tools and how they can be used multiple ways. The most interesting piece was learning about the teaching styles, and how to effectively adapt to online in all types of teaching styles. 


Technology should be helpful for teaching and learning not hindering. Also, there are a multitude of tools that are available.


For success in teaching online, it is important to engage the learner/ student. How to engage the student likely will require multiple tools. Based on the specific task, assessment of the technology tools is critical. will video be sufficient or a combination of video and live interaction, or perhaps engaging the student with interactive blogs or wikis. Asking the student questions and or assigning the student a role in the delivery of the material within the scope of the technology tool chosen can be a very effective means of keeping the student engaged, and as well help in understanding which tools are best for the specified purpose.

I learned that although there are many technologies available for the instructor, not all are suitable to meet the needs of achieving course objectives. Also, that even if you have technologies that have several functions, it is not necessary to use evey function. The goal is to only use what technology that is most suitable to achive your objective and teaching style. 


Understanding our own teaching styles and technology resources available.  Matching instruction style with technology tools that provide useful functionality for both myself and the students will be key.  

The many different ways we can educate students but also how to evaluate the different avenues used for effectiveness.


Trial and error sums up how to implement the proper learning tools for the given environment.

Threre are many more options than I thought 


It is important to learn all the teaching methods to be an ideal teacher. It is good that others see your progress, learn from you and your learn from them. Lastly, create an evaluation criterion that allows students to evaluate you and in this way you can improve if necessary.


There are many different tools available and the instructor must be comfortable using the tools to provide lessons to their students.

There are many tools available to enable Instructor success, determining what tools are needed is imperative! Figure out your teaching style and then gain tools needed to make YOU successful, There is no right or wrong teaching style!

Hi there, theres a lot of tool to use when dictate virtual class to our students today. this was an important module and theres a lot to learn

I have learned that there are many tech tools that are available for the ONLINE instruction process. As an instructor, we should identify the most appropriate tools to use for our student population. We do not have to use all of them but use the ones that facilitate the learning process and not hinder it. Over all, the instructor has to play the competant role of an educator, facilitator, demonstrator and expert with all the tools she/he chooses to use diliegently. There must be a firm coordination between the students and the instructor at all times to help less tech savvy students to catch on with their peers. These tools may be throught screen chats, discussions, or also virtual classrooms, what ever makes the learning process more encouraging for the students. 

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