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I learned that knowing your own teaching style is vitally important to what type of virtual learning you want to incorporate in the class.

There are a variety of tools that can be used to engage students online; Blogs, Wikis, Google, and virtual classrooms. 

There are several tools available to enhance the learning experience. Finding what works best for the student, I feel, should be the top priority. Keeping it interesting and manageable should also be at the top.

Matching tools with teaching style is essential for getting the most benefit from the learning experience. 

I agree with Sheila

Pretty much what the other commenters said.

This course gave me the insight of why technology tools are important and useful in online teaching.  

I learned that an instructor can use proper learning and teaching techniques with support from technology. I can determine what type of systems with work for me in the virtual classroom.

Use the technology tools for the appropriate learning style of your students.

Learn how to use your LMS

There are a lot tools we can access to improve student learning 

There are many factors to teaching online and ensuring the students have the proper tools and opportunities to be successful. Being mindful not all students can learn online and from one specific teaching method. Needing to open in being flexible to help students achieve their goals throughout the program.

It is very important to investigate technology tools and the function.

The reliance on PPT lectures that I have done voice-over recording for is something I am looking to change up; I have lengthy lectures & am working on ways to break them into "microlectures" that are easier for students to digest. The other options for content delivery give me more to consider. 

I have learned that there is a wide array of technology tools that we can use in order to enhance the learning process for online students. However, we must be responsible and professional enough to do our due diligence and investigate the appropriate tools that fit our teaching style and match the expected learning outcomes.

I learned that tools can be used for their intended function and for different uses if they meet the needs of the intended student outcome.  The instructor should test the tool being used for the effectiveness of the learning objective.  

Feedback to various uses of technology is pivotal.  It seems to be a form of reflective teaching that goes beyond lesson plans.

I learned as an instructor it is important to get familiarized with all technology tools available and assess their specific functions. Analyzing them individually and assessing the function of the tool along with the outcome of the activity is the most effective method for using correctly. 

I've learned that there are many different ways to teach using the proper technology equipment. Depending on the different teaching styles as Authorizator, Facilitator, Demonstrater, Delegator, and Expert.

I learned to use the right tool appropriate to the content that should be delivered.

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