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I learned that technology tools can be utilized to improve teaching and learning and help our students be successful. Through the use of learning management systems (LMS) students can access online resources to get assistance on demand beyond the physical reach of their teacher. 

I learned that there are several different styles of online teaching and tools.  It is best to investigate and find the best one for you and the students.  


It's important to understand what tools are available to be an effective teacher. It's important to know how each of these tools is best used in each course. It's important to know that there is a variety of teaching styles, and it's important to have an awareness of all of them and know what situation best calls for what teaching style. Depending on the class and the lesson and the learning outcome(s), certain tools and teaching styles may be more fitting than others, and a good instructor is able to adapt accordingly.


Online learning can be difficult for a student and the teacher alike.  I believe using different online tools will help in the learning process.  Keep students eganged and excited to learn content.  I learned several new online tools that I didn't think of using before.  


I learned that you should make sure the technology is conducive to the learning process. The technology should support, not hinder, the teaching and learning process.

there are many different technology avenuse to use when teaching on line. As there are several difernt teaching styles to incorporate into your virtural classroom. It is extremely important to identify first the ways in wich student learn to be meet their needs, then incorportate the differnt teaching styles such as authority, demonstrator, facilitator, delegator and yes even expert. There really is not one best style of teaching, one must pick a few different styles and perfect those. Diane Sokolowski 


It is important to understand the different technology tools that are available to instructors to get the kind of results you are looking for when teaching online. Instructors need to understand what their teaching style is, so they can match it to the appropriate technology or set of tools. 

Technology tools work best when they are used for their original intented purpose. It can be helpful to have students assess the tools used in their course evaluations to decide if the technology is being used to its best avdantage.


A big eye opener for me here was self-evaluating and figuring out what teaching style I use and utilize the most. Once I figured that out, I weighed the pros and cons of each tool. Some of the sites and technologies listed here were completely new to me so it was fun to poke around and see what they had to offer.


The learning process is an amazing tool. I have never taught in a virtual classroom before, so the contents is all new to me. I have learned a lot about virtual learning and can't wait to apply it to my class one day. The different technology for engaging students will work well in my classroom. 

I have learned that there are many good tools that we can use with each student. But each student has an individual way of learning and they learn differently. A virtual class has many advantages in this century, since the student has the technology in his hands.

As technology is always changing or new technology is created, networking is a great way to expand one's knowledge of what tools are available.  You must evaluate to make sure the tool also fits your needs.  I liked the aspect that you should always evaluate the tools being used and checking out new tools.  Checking out new may allow you to find ones easier to use for both the student and the teacher.

I learned that this will help students and teachers communicate and work together online. Gives different teaching and learning methods for students to engage as well as instructors. Find what teaching methods works best for each lecture.

What tools activate different learning modalities? How can various content be taught in varied modalities? How will i know... by exploring different tools and reviewing for content and activity applications. I am clear with students when I try something new, to enlist their support and so they know i'm approachable, when something isn't working.

I learned it is important to match the technology tool to the instructors teaching style and also make sure it works to achieve the desired outcomes.

There are many tools that work for teachers and give a variety of options to figure out which type of tools work best for both teachers and students. I am planning to learn more about some tools I am unfamiliar with using, as with Covid-19 Online instruction is new to me (at least on the instructor side of things)

Being a "not tech smart" I understand we are in a technology world today. I need to understand what and how to use technology. I know that it is essential in today learning environment.

I've learned that I'm not truly certain what teaching style I have. I feel that because my students are adult learners they knew when they signed up for the course what they were signign up for. All have been through high school and granted, some may not have graduated, they at least have a general idea of the homework situation so I should not have to constantly remind them of the homework that is due. I also feel that there is some course content in the portion I teach that is hard to understand but once I've given all the resources to help a student as well as explained that shoudl they have any questions they can call, email or text me then I should no longer have to continually follow up with whether or not they understand. 

Upon choosig the right technology for the format on which I will teach my students much of my course work is already taught via PP but I feel that using some PP with voice over, some podcasting, Blog and VC will improve in student interaction while we work through this new "adventure" of on-line learning/teaching.

I learned to only use those technologies that will help accomodate to meet the needs of the student. I also learned that it is important to utilize a facilitating learning style to help keep students engaged.


I learned that an instructor must taylor the needs of the students to the proper learning tools and with the appropriate teaching style

Learning about the tools that we have available is important to creating an engaging virtual classroom.

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