Kris Harris

Kris Harris

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With some lessons that cannot transfer from F2F to online, it was good to be reminded that new lesson may be required to achieve a new/similar result.  It was also good to learn that my instructional units should be limited to just one or two, and to use only the most important supporting details. 

I was reminded of the dangers of misinterpreted feedback I provide to the students, when grading their work, and that students can't read body language and can't read between the lines in my comments.  Much of the resident feedback I provide involves working with the students one-on-one, but online assessment must be handled much more carefully.    


I learned that it's important my pattern of teaching remain consistent when moving a resident course to an online course.  I also learned that students must have a central location for them to submit their assignments, and that due dates should be clearly defined, even though a particular project may not be graded. 

I found it very helpful to better understand how the balance changes, between the lecture portion and the hands-on portion of the class, when you have an online classroom.  Lectures should be shorter and my teaching style may need to change some to best fit the technology tools of the student. 


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