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Assesments come in several different forms and it is important that we make sure we use any and all that are need to make sure the student learning is continuing and to make sure that teaching processes are revised and improved to meet the needs.  depending on the content rubrics could be useful for Summary assessments, and self/peer.  

Teaching Online: A Student-Centered Approach --> Assessment Plan

Having various types of assessments: formative, summative, self and peer assessments are excellent way to balance assessments and enhance learning.  Also, providing effective feedback gives the students valuable information to enhance their learning and performance.

The design of the two types of assessment are important. The assessments should be well designed with clear relevance to the current course work. It is sometimes possible and desired to include self and peer assessment in the process of the coure. It is alwasy important to ave clear and detailed rubrics for each assessment.


Having an appropriate amount of formative assessments allows students to feel confident in their levels of understanding and preparation for summative assessments.

Assessments and their method of delivery should directly correlate to the expectations outlined. If a student is being evaluated on specific content, that should have been clearly communicated through expectations and the rubrics provided should break down their demonstration of undertstanding and ability to showcase their knowledge clearly.

Feedback is essential in the learning process. Be sure the feedback provided is intentional, has been thought out, is explained in a way that the student sees guidance toward growth or improvement and is relevant to the project/assessment.


Feedback is essential to a student's ablilty to learn. It needs to be specific rather than generic. The outcome is to have the student understand, process and learn the material as well as connecting to the learning objective which is often times missed. 

In this module on assessment it was stated that formative assessments should not be used to assign grades, only summative assessments are to be used to assign grades. In my experience as a high scholl teacher I have not seen that applied in my or other classrooms. Our formative assessments did influenece the grades. That being said, I understand the concept that the final grade should be determined by the summative assessment. In my experience, I would never give a grade lower than the summative assessment, 

I have not used peer feedback, but appropriately structured it can be useful.  Use rubrics, and give plenty of opportunities for formative assessment.  the rubric justifies the grade, feedback supports the learning.   Clear detailed feedback is best, but takes more time.   Overall feedback can be easier to do, but not always as helpful. 


With any assessment, feedback must be provided to students to help their learning.  Providing feedback reinforces their learning. 

In this module, I learned how to give meaningful feedback on assignments. 

I intend to apply what I learned about meaningful feedback by being sure my feedback I give students does not justify the grade but instead increases student learning. 


In this module I learned how to view assessments as a learning tool for both myself and students.  Assessment outcomes allow me to see how effective I was in communicating the learning objectives in a way that students understood the learned what was taught.  I also learned how valuable rubrics can be in communicating learning expectations, which in turn allow students to demonstrate their understanding or misunderstanding.  In this module I learned how valuable self and peer assessments are in helping students to identify problem areas in their work and in the work of their peers, with the help of a rubric, to provide opportunity for making corrections before submitting for grading.  Then I learned how important feedback is and that students deserve feeback that is frequent, connected to learning, positive, automatic,  individualized, and specific/detailed.

While I've used rubrics before, I was not fully sold on their value.  I think this lesson has changed how I now see the power of using rubrics to assess learning objectives.  I intend to implement rubrics where I can in the courses I teach.


I learned that meaningful feedback needs to be clear and connected to learning objectives.  Also,  rubrics are useful tools as they indicate how students will be evaluated and grading is more consistent.

Rubrics are so important in making sure that the students understands the objectives of the assignment and provides a final product that is in line with teacher expectations.  I have worked with instructors who tell their students that they didn't meet the instructor's expectations on the submitted assignment, but they had only provided directions on what to do and how to do rather than on what is expected and what will be graded.  I tlike the comment that assignments are more about learning rather than the grade.  Let's not just put a checkmark that we did or completed something.  Let's make sure that students are learning what they need to know.


I have learned that various forms of  assessments is important in  improving learning and teaching since they help the teacher to determine how effective the teaching is and the level of the students' achievement of the objectives. I will make sure that I develop rubrics to use in my assessments. 

Rubrics allow for consistency in student work and a good way to evaluate all students equally. Rubrics are more than a checklist and should include learning objectives and criteria needed to earn certain credit.


The use of rubrics has been crucial for my online classes. Before I adopted them, I spent much more time trying to format feedback to students and I don't think they paid as much attention to my feedback. I would like to start doing some video feedback, I think that would be helpful.

Providing feedback helps assist students in achieving different learning objectives and improve their skills in regard to each specific objective.

Providing constructive feedback is crucial to optimizing the student's learning and understanding.

This module has made me realize that I need to be more positive with my feedback and stop giving so many comments on papers.


I learned more information about formative and summative assessements and how better to use the formative assessments in my classes.

I intend to use formative evlauations more often and with greater diversity than I have been up to now. 

I have used rubrics in the past but not nearly often enough. Giving clear criteria and guidelines of objectives enables the student to judge for himself the work he is about to turn in and make adjustments prior. I like the peer to peer critiques in an anonymus way or developing personal relationship skills for evaluating other's work. 

This module is full of good reminders. Such as remember the purpose of assessments and the types of, remember we are moving students from low level to high level based on Bloom's taxonomy, remember the rubric, and remember we are here to give meaningful constuctive feedback to improve lerning. 


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