Robert Linnenbaugh

Robert Linnenbaugh

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I like the use of formative evals every 3-5 weeks with class revision right after and then summative at the end with addiitonal revison if needed.

Encourage collaboration, keeps groups small 6 or less, let the students lead, and do not interact too much while providing the needed feedback.

I like the focus and the thought of setting priorities for work and family time.  Need to have work time but be able to sperate too.  


Managing workload is important to success.  I like the FAQ discussion board and the use of FATQ too.

I find that the netiequte of RESPECT is very important to the learning process.


  • Respect others' privacy. 
  • Everyone has a voice. 
  • Say what you mean in an honest, constructive format. 
  • Participate in discussions in a courteous way. 
  • Expert knowledge is important. 
  • Comment with control. 
  • Take time to think before communicating.

Technology is great and needed for online learning but we as educators need to know the skill level of all our studetns so we can make sure they are able to learn in this environment.  I like the empowering of soical networking and student used FAQ boards to allow them to help each other.

I found it interesting that things we use in F2F class are valid tools to show learning in a virtual area, the use of an exit tool to show learning.  

Just like in our normal classes, online class need to make sure we are looking at a learner's style and taking into conisderation any accomedations that they should be afforded.

I found it interesting about building the community and that once communciaton on boards start you will know when the community has come together.  Also, the movment between commuicaiton and collaboration (1 vs several).

Students really need to e self movtivated, self disipline and have great time management skills to be successful.

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