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content sequence is important to keep students on the correct course sequence

synchronous learning engages all student at the same time thefore more comunication at gthe ssame teme helps create more questions and helps students engage with thier clclassmates

So funny that when you teach live classes, you ask questions for student interaction and learning...I didn't realize there were so many specific kinds of questions that actually provide different ways of learning.  I will do a better job in choosing my questions to increase student learning.


I've learned that online courses should be set up in a manner which is easiest for students to navigate. If online courses are set up properly, students will not have to filter through information that is not useful to them.


This lesson gave me a clear definition of synchrnous and asynchronous chats.


A hybrid synchronous and asynchronous online schedule allows for a more balanced learning where students can "socialize" with their peers, and also gives them the freedom to learn on their own, at their own time/convenience.


It was interesting to see that even without a F2F classroom, a distance learning platform can provide the student with the same experience. All with the added bonus of completing the course from home. 

Utilizing a guest lecturer is a great way to break up the monotony of a lecture based course and allows the students an opportunity to learn from a professional in the field how what they are learning is applicable to a real-world job. 

Recognition of the importance of increasing knowledge and enhace application of the knowledg thru the correct learning activities. The diferent methodology of questioning is valuable in order to combine each and creat a blend. 

Emphasisi on organization in the student engagement process. 

I like the idea of using guest speakers and multi media to keep the course engaging. 


With the implementation of online platforms, guest speakers can be a short video clip, a physical attendee, or the use of social media. Knowing your learner and having them use social media to gain interest in a topic has been a learning curve but also a way to connect with my students. Using online gaming to have students answer "live" questions I have found is a way for them to be silly & creative with their gamer tag, participate in the review of the material, & having them study without realizing it is the best art for me. 


Engagement is key to online learning - student and instructor

I really liked the suggestions around guest lecturers in synchronus disscusions and utilizing not only the profile of the speaker for class but the inverse as well. Never considered a class profile for the speaker being available. What stuck out most was the amount of in-person teaching that can be converted into the online format. 


Components or teaching strategies from the traditional classroom can be converted to the online classroom. It is a matter of ability of the instructor to design it to be student-centered with interactivity and deciding if synchronous, asynchronous or a blended version is best fit fo the learners. Goals is engagement, active learning, application and retention of knowledge gained.


I was reminded that virtually everything you can do face-to-face, you can also do online. My courses do not currently have any synchronous discussions. I have had them in courses I taught previously and I had students complain about the need to show up at a specific time. It was nice to see some positive reasons for why this might work well in an online classroom.

Nancy Tosh

I have taken both synchronous and asynchronous and have enjoyed both based on time and time. Both engaged.


In this section I learned that keeping the students engaged with a variety of different teaching techniques can help keep them attentive and wanting to learn new material.

It is important to have synchronous and asynchronous learning installed into your online class to keep the students engaged.


Instructors need to become much more familiar with asynchronous education now more than ever. 


The process for using a guest lecturer was helpful.

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