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Setting a president early on is crucial to respect between both student and instructor 


One of the most important things I learned is that you must set some sort of expectations for the students so they can be prepared for classes. Some classes require more discussion topics and other classes are skill-dependent. Allowing students the chance to reflect and critically think about the course creates more interest in the topics covered. I love using ice breakers and games to make the class more interesting. 


I have learned that setting expectations in the beginning helps to reduce anxiety and clarifies any "muddy" points for the students. When students know what is expected of them, they have less stress about the unknowns of a course.


Set the tone from the beginning to foster success for your STUDENTS and yourself. Providing Clear and concise information throughout the learning process. 


Useful information 

The best way to learn something is repetition.  While I know this, I was not using this knowledge to teach.  This reminded me that expectations, requirements, due dates, and late policies should be listed in more places than just the syllabus.  While this is important to make sure everyone is on the same page, this section helped me to understand that, explaining these things on the first day and making sure the information stays in front of the student will help to relieve concerns about starting a new class.


Clear expectations and clear reminders of due dates protect the instructore but also provide important information for the student

setting multiple reminders for due dates. Set the missed assignment standards. There will always be a 10% variable of missed assignments and not always from the same students. 


Lerned ideas on how to incentivise students to get their work in on time.

be clear and direct when setting expectations


Itb is imerative that you prepeare a priscise syllabus, so that strudent the cousrse, the plan , and what is expected of them 



I personally liked reviewing the grading policy contained within the example syllabus because I know personally we can be too lenient when it comes to students handing in late assignments and the students not prioritizing when it comes to deadlines/ due dates. So with a very clear and concise policy there leaves no room for any misunderstanding. 


Going over the syllabus on day one is very crucial, it gives students overview of the course, policy and deadlines to meet. Like mentioned in this course frequent reminders to students as deadline approaches for assignments is important to avoid student saying they didn't know the due dates. Lastly it is vital to mention what to aspect in the course syllabus about missing and late assignment posting. 

"The person with the gold makes the rule." Put the golden rule principle into effect in your class. Insist that students get the work done right and on time…period.


I will be implementing the late work details into the syllabus to make sure the students are well aware of the due dates as well as what happens if you do not turn it in on time. 

Syllabus is one of most important strategy to stimulate students in order to archive their goals.

An ice breaker is always helpful to make students feel comfortable and include current affairs (things that are going on in the world today) to get a feel if they are aware of what is going on especially in the field of nursing and (COVID-19).     


Mr. Bill

Strive to be a consistant role model, explaining and showing rules, guidelines, my expectationss of them.


My icebreaker is that I play a character when I teach. I'm a clown-authoritarian. I pad all of the seriousness of the class with silliness and joke, but I use humor and fun as a backdoor to let them know that, while I like to keep it light and fun, the work itself is serous business. I have two rules for my class: 1. be nice 2. do what I say

I can only be so blunt and to the point through the lens of a jester.

Communication is the key to success for my students and me. It is important to explain how the grading will work, and other policies in my class. 

Make yourself approachable to the students, I always strive to make my class one that the students enjoy coming to. If this happens learning with come more naturally. 

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