Jackie Fugate

Jackie Fugate

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Different types of questions may allow students to show understanding and knowledge.

The quality of questions is important for student understanding and helps to eliminate any misunderstanding of the content.

I had never heard the term Net Generation.  While I am in that generation, I feel like I didn't really have technology through my whole education until I was really in high school.  Even then, it was just computers.

Having empathy and having your students know you care and are invested in their success is so very important.  I like how this was addressed in this module.

Technology is great to engage students when used properly and appropriately.

Since all my classes are taught online, it is crucial I understand the technology in order to teach my classes. 

Having high expectations for students allows them the environment to challenge themselves and try things they may not have felt comfortable doing before.

Simulations are a good learning activity that allows for all learners to benefit.

Positive words can make a big impact on student learning. 

Asking for help!  I need to do this more.

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