Sabrine Ishimwe

Sabrine Ishimwe

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older adults prefer active learning and it is more efficient.
it is good to know your class and remain in control. there will be quiet students in the class, some that will try to cheat, some that will come to class angry, and so forth. It is important to know how to address each case and keep the class moving forward.
It is important to address the concern and get the attention of those who appear bored in class.
Be consistent and make clear of your expectation. Also always keep in mind WIIFM when preparing class material.
Creating trust, letting them know that you are here for them, and also knowing that you do not know everything. You can share your experience with the student, regroup and refocus, and make sure not to lose the excitement.
Element of surprise in the lesson is another way to bring to live the lecture and the students might appreciate it.
It is important to know the student's ability, needs, and experiences. All of this will play an important role in their learning.
When preparing a lesson, keep in mind different teaching and learning styles to target all your student's needs.
We are all bad at remembering each other's names, so do not expect to know them on the first day, but do make an effort to learn the student's name, nickname, or how they prefer to be called.
Be prepared and ready, don't wait until the last minute. Also, it's good to write down things that you agreed to do for the student.

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