What I have gained from this lesson is that my students need more from me.
I need to allow my students to take the floor, they may not have the asnwers right away and that is okay.
I need to become more patient for my students and the growth and development of their true self.
In this module I learned different ways of questioning students in order to help with their critical thinking and to get them more involved.
The goal of the Socratic method of inquiry is for students to develop a style of questioning that will enable them to achieve a higher level of understanding and realization through content-related areas of study.
I learned the importance of good questioning skills to do knowledge checks with the students to make sure they are understanding what is being taught.
Having the openness to answer questions of the students, while respectfully paying full attention to them, not dismissing their question and providing the resources if the question is too broad is a sure fire way to keep the class interested and engaged and willing to learn
Questioning students and having them ask questions is an effective method of learning. The students have to feel confident and not feel inadequate when asking questions or answering a question they are asked. We have to learn to listen to the student and give them an opportunity to answer questions.
This section gave me insite in asking questions to build the students level of understand.
It hsould how to better ask question to assess understanding of material. Also how to respond to certain questions and engaging all students to add on to a response and to encourage participation.
Questions help promote knowledge in students. How I respond to questions as a teacher either hinders or encourages my students to learn. It is not only important to be precise with my teacher, it is also crucial to be encouraging when it comes to student participation.
In this module, I have learned several ways to respond to the students' answer. Also, ways to deal with the silence in the room.
I should ask the same questions in various ways
Questioning students helps determine if they are retaining the content and if not provides you with an an opportunity to fix the situation.
It is important that students are able to freely ask questions in the classroom, without feeling ridiculed by other students or the instructor.
redundant questions can draw focus to a topic and at the same time probe the class for student knowledge I often find students like to shine and offer more they can share something they know
Engaging students through questioning allows the instructor to check student understanding and gain a better understanding of what students know.
As an instructor you will meet distinct types of students, each student; depending on their personality, will be outgoing or reserved based on past interactions either in their home environment or classroom experiences. You will have under the radar students these students are recognized by the hoodie pulled over their head or they sit in the least visible place in the classroom. You will have your miss directors, these students attempt to move the class away from the subject matter to get to the end of the class slowing or stopping delivery of content prohibiting the content progress needed to reach academic requirements, you will experience different personalities. You will learn each of your students personally as you deliver instruction.
Utilize questions that are clear, simple and relevant.
Encourage students to ask questions and provide adequate time to discuss the answers.
There are many different ways one can answer a students question. It can lead to more questions and discussions thast are relevant to the lesson.
You should ask your students questions in a way to get the best answer and to let them give their answer right or wrong, If the answer is not right begin a discussion with the class to get everyone to have an input.
The Socrates method just gives the other person an opportunity to think and apply critical thinking methods.