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Training buy in for employees

Employees can look at training as just another task to get out of the way or another load to their already full cart unless we show actual benefit for them. This benefit should be real and tangible. Something they can see, touch, feel. "What's in it for me?" is a legitimate question that should be expected. It also deserves an answer. What are some suggestions?

Some of the compliance training we take is something to "get out of the way". It is basically the same every year; Sexual harrasement and Internet abuse. I am sorry but after 8 years of the same stuff I'm good to go.

As for incentitive, there is only so much a company can do. Most employees want a monetary pat on the back for training. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. I will never turn down a raise, but if it make your job easier, gives you a better understanding of processes/procedures count me in.

When it comes time for advancement or position change, this additional training that you undertook should be considered.

I think including multiple levels of the organization in on the training and assuring that those at the top treat the training with respect (ie, comment on posts and do not hold off on completion until the last day) would encourage the other members to consider the importance. Incorporating keys points from the training into future meeting and in everyday conversation after its completion will keep the information fresh and reaffirm its initial value.

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