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Stress and Motivation

Is stress a motivator, a distracter, or both? Please explain.

I find stress to both motive and distract. When it comes to deadlines stress generates a type of nervous energy that invigorates and helps you to focus on completing the task at hand.

On the other hand if you suffer from prolonged stress say for example you feel you job security is constantly at risk it will cause distraction and loss of productivity. This is a very harmful type of situation and if you have a direct report who is feeling this way I would resolve it as soon as you can. It will save you time increase productivity in the long run.

Your subordinates need to experience the valued added experience to the daily requirments of the job. If people look at their contrbution as a value to there customers they will reduce the unwanted stress.

Working hard is not always bad stress but anything that puts undue psychological stress on a person creates a host of problems.

I think stress can be both a motivator and a distracter depending on what kind of stress it is and the level of the stress

Positive stress at a reasonable level can be a motivator.As a matter of fact this one is almost a must if you want to achieve anything good.

On the other hand negative stress can always be a distractor no matter the level.Negative stress will make you think incorectly ,give bad answers.Futhermore at very high level it can be very dangerous since everybody respond differently.Some people under negative stress can go straight into depression or worse to suicidal thoughts.

The real solution on a workplace should be a well balanced dosis of the stress so it can be just a motivation and anything else.

The best solution for stress is how you prepare for it. The human mind responds best when it is prepared. We need to give our brain plenty of oxegen and rest. Astronauts are required to take naps while they are in space to have their minds more acute to their responsibilities. Exercise is essential to preparing your body for stress. Stress is best handled when you have a balance in your life of mental challenge, physical activity and spiritual time for yourself.

Please see the book "Brain Rules" by John Medina.

How do you prepare for stress?

I believe that stress can be both a motivator and distracter. If you are dealing with many issues at one time, it may cause a person to work harded at completing all of the tasks given. On the other hand, if a person is faced with too much stress, it can defintely be distracting to them emotionally and can affect the final product of their work, and possibly more mistakes can be made. There should always be a balance of the workplace being not too stressed, but constantly remained focused.

You are on target with stress. There are different types of stress. Sometimes you work employee will be personal stress from home and this is a completely different type of stress to deal with. Work related stress may be the challenges we place before them at work and this can be rewarding as well as fulfilling. Other work related stress comes from work relationships. (Boss, Peers or third parties) The key is to be sensitive enough as a manager to be tuned into changes in behavior that signifies this change as positive or negative and deal with it appropriately.

Good Job!

Stress can be a motivator and a distractor. It can help us get over hurdles to cope, and do sometimes impossible tasks.

It can also distract us from problems or conflicts we do not want to face or cope with.

Your points are well taken. Stress is a biological factor in our lives. This factor is dicussed by John Medina in his book "Brain Rules". Stress has saved many lives by being aware of the dangers in life and it keeps us sensitive to danger. Stress is part of our lives whether we like it or not. This is why we must recognize stress and keep it in perspective. Each of us should lead a balance life with our spiritual, physical and mental balance. The healthier you can be the better you will handle stress.

I think stress is a prime motivating factor, while you cannot allow it to overwhelm you, the feeling of eustress and mild distress makes one work harder and strive for greater performance. This greater level of achievement should diminish high levels of distress, and motivates one to work better and achieve greater results in any area of their life.

Depending on the experience of the person dealing with stress it can be motivating for most people. Personality types have something to do with how we react to stress. Obviously an introvert often is not to appreciative of stress in their life. In Daniel Pink's new book "Drive" he refers to motivation from standpoints of survival, reward and punishment or your own intrinsic drive. Our most rewarding motivation and stress is with our intrinsic self-motivated push. You are correct when you see stress in different situations may be welcomed or not. But in any case mentioned above it is our own inner reactions that cause our stress.

Yes, Dr. Carlson, I am glad that you touched on this ... "Personality types have something to do with how we react to stress. Obviously an introvert often is not too appreciative of stress in their life" As I read the posts, most people feel that 'positive' stress is motivating and productive. Just the word 'stress' to me has a negative connotation!IOW, my personality type does not 'appreciate stress' in my life - I feel that I have too much of it at home and work. After going through this course I am trying to talk myself into a more positive view of stress.

Stress can be both. You the individual facing the stress need to determine how you want to serve it up. Let go of the negativity around it and hit it head on with zest.

Stress can be both depending on how much stress a person might feel and the thoughts that go with it. If the person feels good about achieving goals and completing thing on time and under budget, then this is positive stress. If a person feels anxious, has negative thoughts, becomes irritable and distant, then this is definitely negative stress.

There is both positive stress and negative. Some positive can breed negative if the solution to the stress is not reached within an expedient period of time. It is always important to maintain stress relievers. A balance in anyones life is important. Cognitive, physical and spiritual balance is important to maintain.

I think stress can be both a motivator and a distracter depending on what kind of stress it is and the level of the stress. I find my stress if good stress in most cases. I leave work and make the human disconnect. Leaving work @ work. In my personal life its stress free...It sounds like a perfect world, far from it, I choose to deal with life in a fashion that most dont. I choose to live my life 1 day @ a time. Two important things happen in my life everyday thus far. Wake up and become vertical. If the first dont happen the second one dont matter. If both happen the rest of the day is a/the present (everything after is just that a BONUS).

Dealing with stress is absolutely related to the type of stress. Trauma is not a good emotional event. But stress for improvement is a rewarding stress if you succeed. A great healthy attitude helps with all stress. It is from your wisdom and understanding that you can face the tough issues and the everyday challenges.

I find that some stress is helpful to providing energy and focus and it is a motivator. I don't see stress as a distractor as it is more complex than being a simple distraction. Too much stress can lead to a sense of frustration if there are too many things happening at once to keep the wheels on.

Stress under control is the goal you look for. Stress should cause all of us to focus.

I LOVE this question and it os one that I often ask of my students. I also have had to process this information myself on numerous occassions.

My personal belief is that it is both. Stress for me is a great motivator. I must admit I am one of those people that thrive with just the right amount of pressure; I think most teachers do. It can motivate me to work harder and smarter in my career but is also a challenge because it is a distractor.

I think the distraction part of stress, again for me personally, is when I bring my outside of work thoughts with me to the job. Then it becomes distracting. It can be hard for me to focus, get things completed, or even function without feeling sick. Frankly, it cannot only be distracting but overwhelming. I think this is why I wanted to look through this course and get some ideas for how to better grip that balance between healthy and unhealthy stress.

I really like the Stop, Breathe, Reflect, Choose model. Something concrete to work through like that is a great thing to utilize in stressful situations.

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