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Tool of the past / Tool of the future

In discussing the topic of AI in the classrooms with our Instructors, one of them brought up a great point.  There was a time when calculators were considered "cheating" and were frowned upon.  AI is the new "calculator" for this day and age.  


This appears to be a repeat question. Regardless the technology offered now is so very convenient for Instructors and students. If your sick you can still participate and get things completed. IF you have car or transportation issues its not a problem, stay at home and do your work. This is the greatest thing ever!


You can use it from home which is of great convenience. It also saves you money on gas and car repairs. 


Hello. How do you eliminate cheating and plagiarism?  Are their any websites to help you assist with stoping this?

Chat GPT

welcome all help in advancing student knowledge 


Please share your honest opinions on how you envision the future of Education with AI.

ED119R- Using Technology to Engage and Educate

Este curso me ha resultado sumamente interesante, ya que recupera la importancia del constructivismo como teoría del aprendizaje que coloca al estudiante en el centro de la escena educativa. El profesor que se posiciona en esa teoría promueve, alienta y estimula al estudiante a "ir por más"; que sea protagonista, que resuelva o presente modos de resolver problemas, que pueda crear...

En ese proceso, la tecnología ocupa un rol central. Como profesora, no puedo dejar a mis estudiantes al margen de los cambios tecnológicos. Es necesario adentrarlos en las discusiones, en la indagación de las nuevas herramientas para que puedan desarrollar un pensamiento crítico que les permita analizar la información de manera criteriosa, reconociendo fuentes certeras.

Para enseñar con tecnologías y que las prácticas de enseñanza generen compromiso, tengan fuerza moral y epistemológica, es necesaria la formación docente permanente, fundamentalmente en las nuevas alfabetizaciones y lenguajes que se desarrollan con cada aplicación, plataforma o red social. También es necesario conocer acerca de los intereses de nuestros estudiantes, cuáles son sus pasatiempos, sus gustos, preferencias.

No para convertirnos, como docentes, en “influencers”, sino para comprender las lógicas de interacción actuales y abrir diversas puertas al conocimiento. 



How hard or easy is it!

How hard or easy has it been for your students to stay on track with the use of technology in your class?

AI -Introduction

It is an interesting entry that allows us to paint a practical picture of IA and how it can facilitate many processes, It is important to generate the appropriate use of each of these AI tools, which, although they allow to improve time, also help to limit some ways of thinking. 

determining what AI will do in the future?

We have seen movies where in the cartoon Wall E, where the computers take over and don't want us to think for ourselves anymore, not workout, and get fat. In the terminator movies where they try to do something worse. Do you think that this will happen in the later years? have you seen the movie with Will Smith in I-Robot? Yes, they enhance our bodies replace our limbs where we can almost function as normal human beings. But it's the mind that plays a major role in what will come in the future.

Machine Learning for Education

Does anyone currently have any suggestions on software that uses machine learnig specifically for education?  We know about all the negative impacts of this technology. Who is developing the actual tools to help instructors?

Student learning through ChatGPT

Outside of students using ChatGPT in an academically dishonest way (to write papers), I have limited knowledge as to how it can be used in education. Does anyone have experience with students using ChatGPT in a positive way? 

Out of all the formats that were discussed in this class, which one do you feel will have the biggest impact on the students to retain the information in their course of study?

Please choose a format you are comfortable with and give reasons why you enjoy using it.

How to prevent virtual stimuli from distracting students

Within technology we find many stimuli that can be distracting, or others that can be highly attractive but not significant for learning.
This analysis should be important when using technology in education, remember the objective of the learning process is not to have fun but to learn.

Impact on Students | Origin: ED148

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

ChatGPT and Its Educational Uses --> Impact on Students

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Impact on Teaching | Origin: ED148

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

ChatGPT and Its Educational Uses --> Impact on Teaching

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Introduction to ChatGPT | Origin: ED148

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

ChatGPT and Its Educational Uses --> Introduction to ChatGPT

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

ChatGPT Background | Origin: ED148

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

ChatGPT and Its Educational Uses --> ChatGPT Background

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.


Technology is a great resource if everyone knows how to use it

Technology In The Classroom

Technology in the classroom is an incredible resource in the classroom, when they work. You always need a back-up plan. I have had many occasions when students come to class with chromebooks whose batteries are dead. You post a assessment and the student can't access it. The student is locked out. Any similar situations?