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Please share your honest opinions on how you envision the future of Education with AI.

We are looking at it as a potential recommened LLM for our instructors. However, we have concerns about intellectual property protection, and are a Google suite institution, so we may choose to vet and go with Gemini. We are just getting started with AI.

Teachers can guide the use of ChatGPT in education by establishing clear and specific guidelines. First, define the educational purpose of using ChatGPT, such as research or clarifying concepts, and communicate it to the students. Encourage the use of ChatGPT to generate ideas and foster critical thinking, avoiding the direct copying of answers. Integrate ChatGPT into activities that require personal reflection and analysis to promote originality. Supervise and review work generated with ChatGPT to ensure quality and academic integrity. Finally, educate students on the ethics and responsible use of artificial intelligence, always promoting original authorship and academic integrity.

To address plagiarism associated with interactions with ChatGPT in education, it is crucial to implement clear and effective strategies. First, educating students about the importance of academic integrity and the consequences of plagiarism is fundamental. Educators should encourage the use of ChatGPT as a complementary tool for learning, not as a substitute for original work. Additionally, plagiarism detection tools should be used to review student submissions. It is also essential to design assessments that require critical analysis and personal reflection, making plagiarism more difficult. Finally, establishing clear policies on the acceptable use of artificial intelligence and promoting original authorship will… >>>

Although ChatGPT offers numerous advantages in education, it also presents certain limitations and challenges. One of the main limitations is its inability to fully understand the context of a conversation, which can lead to incorrect or out-of-context responses. Additionally, ChatGPT cannot replace the essential human interaction necessary for the emotional and social development of students. Another challenge is the constant need for supervision to ensure the information provided is accurate and appropriate, as the model can generate biased or inappropriate content. Overreliance on this technology can also reduce critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students. Finally, implementing ChatGPT requires robust… >>>

ChatGPT has become a valuable tool in education by offering personalized and accessible support to students and educators. It facilitates adaptive learning by providing detailed explanations and instant answers to questions, allowing students to progress at their own pace. Additionally, ChatGPT can help teachers prepare instructional materials, suggest interactive activities, and assess assignments, optimizing teaching time. Its ability to explain complex concepts in a simple and accessible manner fosters deeper and more comprehensive learning. It also promotes inclusion by providing educational assistance to students with special needs or those in remote areas without access to traditional educational resources. In summary,… >>>

I am particularly impressed with students feedback on the myriad of ways in which students can utilise their ChatGPT experience to improve their general performance.  As an instructor I will continue to encourage students to use ChatGPT to organise their class notes making it easier for them to study and pass their exams. In addition, I will use it to help students trigger prompts or brainstroms ideas for writing especially when creating business letters.

Even though ChatGPT offer so much benefits like everything else, it has limitations which instructors and other users must be aware of.  Individuals have a tendency to misuse it without taking into consideration its inaccuracies. and unreliability to a certain extent.

For students who are easily distracted, it can be difficult at times. I  have to ensure that it is an engaging activity and it peaks their interest and relate it to real life situations.  Moreover, I have to monitor them a great deal because sometimes, Yes, the class can be engaged  in a technological activity but students may use the opportunity to respond to their friends on social media.

I am particulary excited about the many benefits that ChatGPT provides especially in education.  From what I have gathered it helps to make instructor's workload less burdensome and then on another note, it provides strategies for students who struggle especially those with disabilities, I believe this can transform their learning experience on a daily basis. In general,  I intend to use it to enhance the lesson plans of my IEP students and also for those  when they are required to prepare reearch papers or create letters.  My plan is  to allow them to use it to assist with the brainstroming… >>>

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