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I thought it was interesting to see so many of the aspects of online learning all featured together - you are reminded of how much goes into this.  The more familiar you are with all the aspects of how the course is set up, the more effective you will be.  People learn differently and people teach differently.  I think just being more aware makes you more rounded in your thinking and how you communicate with your students.  


Information and organization of the delivery for the e-learning enviornment  for students and faculty is import for success. The information provided will be helpful tools for communication, engaging with students, and processes.


I was made aware that the same reasons I was hesitant to teach online classes, are the same hesitations the students have...- lack of technical support, unfamiliarity with the mode, feeling lost


To be a successful online instructor it is critical to be familiar with the CMS used. Providing a student orientation to such will greatly assist the learner.   Being accessible to bridge the gap between a traditional classroom environment and an online environment is also critcial  Know the required policies and protocals of the academic institution is essential.  

I plan to incorporate all aspects of course content and really focus on student interaction through online and on campus.


Everyone teaches differently! It is important to understand the environment in which you will be teaching as well as the parameters you will have for instruction!


To succeed as online instructor, it is important to keep a to-do list reminding us all the tasks we have to daily/weekly perform and the deadline of each module. Understanding the online platform is a key to be efficient and to ensure the best learning experience for our students.

Effective online instruction requires both expertise in the subject matter and a deep understanding of how the technological aspects of the CMS function. The best delivery of instruction will result from intensive planning of how to best engage students throughout the learning process. "Begin with the end in mind." (Stephen Covey)


This section will help me get a better understanding of the course structure.


I need to stay connected to my students throughout the course.

Organization is the key to start up to any online class.  If the instructor isn't familuar with the product the outcome will not be successful for the student.

I found it interesting how to keep conversations on track.  Especially with more communication via text messages and cell phones.

I plan to post more announcements and review the calendar to post reminders. I would also enter a discussion more to inspire more conversations.


I learned that it is important to be knowledgeable about and can adequately navigate the learning management system. 

There are a variety of ways to present the course online. The key is to be clear and consistent with the course layout and match the material to the objectives.


As an Online instructor, I need to make sure I am familiarize with the course delivery techniques and strategies.  Make sure that students have access to all of their course contents on the first day of class.  


I'v learned the impotance of utilizing technical support. 


I learned that you can generate student activity reports.  I would like to learn more about this and how I can apply this in my courses.  The  other information was helpful reminders.

I have learned that it is important to know how to operate all the functions of a course such as adding to the calendar, posting grades, generating activity reports, etc. If I have any questions, I should reach out to the course author for clarification.


In the eLearning environment, it is important for the student to obtain both instructional and technological help. It is also important that the students know I am there to support and help them. This will hopefully decrease their anxiety level when it comes to eLearning. 


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