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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Online Look & Feel

Really the question is how close to the real world eduction envirnment can the online envirnment duplicate. Any thoughts.


Incorporated into this module was the ADDIE Model without the implementation stage... why? Isn't that just as important as the other stages of this model?

Online Assessments

I am currently going through my doctoral degree program and have two classes left. My interest is in curriculum design as well as, creating online assessments for both student and instructor. It is easy to create assessments for on-ground but could use some ideas for the online environment. Terry


Being at home or away from a watching eye,the online evaluation seems couldn't evaluate precisely the leaning. Students could easily use different refrences to get help to answer the questions.

active instructor

An active, engaging instructor is very important in an onlilne discussion. If instructor do not be active in the whole discussion, and bring it back on the topic again, it easily changed to a kind of personal chatting between students.

Keeping up with technology

The main reason I am taking this course is simple; I am a big believer that education must continue to evolve in order that our graduates, specifically online graduates, can compete in the constantly changing technological world we live in. GONE are the days where you could teach a programming language more than 5 years. GONE are the days when you can assume any technology you teach will last more than 3 years at the max. And to do otherwise is simply this... laziness. And what happens when we don't move forward and adapt to the constantly growing and shifting technologies? We lose students and eventually lose our jobs. So while this may seem a bit like a rant, I assure you, it is an open discussion to help others see the NEED to grow and develop not only personally, but as a team, as a school, and as a company.

Course development for non-degree/non-academic offerings.

The course we are developing is for training young professionals in our field and not for either academic credit or certifications. Content is important but grading not so much as just getting them to understand the concepts. Given the above, are there other methods of evaluating the knowledge obtained with out the emphasis on grades?

Online Course

If allowed in the online dashboard incorporate media to engage students and encourage retention

Converting a Lab-Oriented Camera-Based Class to the Online Environment

I teach largely hands-on skills in a laboratory environment (like operating a video camera and lighting in the film style). These skill sets require substantial hands-on experience and seem difficult to translate into a realistic or high-quality online curriculum. I am interested in exploring my options, but wonder how to account for all of the different variables that my students might encounter, like various cameras with which to practice the demonstrated techniques and/or the differences between lighting equipment that the home classroom audience might encounter.

I have the course content but how do I make it on-line accessable

Beimg an instructor I have the couse content and the ISD ready for my course. What is the best steps to get in ready to be placed into service on-line. I do not have the skills needed to make the course "on-line".

ID'ing the right courses to start an on line offering

I have never developed any on-line courses but I am very anxious to start being able to deliver my classes on-line. I teach business class and as an example Accounting is taught in three seperate classes is there a prper sequencing that I should use for making classes available on line or should I wait till they are all complete and make them available all at once. Thanks, Bernie Sarra

Multi-tasking in the postmodern student.

Do you think the nature of on-line classes leads to a tendency to multi-task in more postmodern (Attention Challenged) students? I would rather they focused on the content than playing online games while reading course notes, watching videos, animations or taking a quiz. And, more importantly, is there a way to prevent, or at least minimize it?

Online Classes and Syllabi for Accreditation

What are the implications for Accreditation for online classes? Will they follow the same guidelines?

Elements of presentation

Where does one draw the line between education and entertainment? I have been annotating "Amusing Ourselves to Death" for one of my classes and it occurs to me, is this post-modern? What is the difference between "engaging" students and "entertaining" them? Should we consider it one or the other, or is there a gradient and a definite point past which they can't take the information seriously? Pardon the rant-like questions, I am in the midst of writing a piece about post-modern education.

Software Choices

I am in the position to guide our institution into online learning and am looking for suggestions for software and/or internet-based systems. I have loaded Moodle on my personal server, but am not sure if it has all the things described as far as modules and lessons. Could someone suggest a system, preferable open-source, that would accomplish the goals of this course while remaining accessible to a broad range of users/clients? Thanks, Mike Anderson

Online Training Student Demographics

Do your online students have common interests? Do you find similarities in their career objectives and educational background? I am looking for common demographics for an online candidate for career training. This will be helpful in marketing efforts.

Developeing an onlinecourse

What suggestions do you have for culinary classes online, would the entier program be online? ie.. how to teach a student to fillet a fish.

Characteristics of Dynamic Learning Environments

What essential characteristic distinguishes dynamic learning environments from conventional environments?

Using Technology to Develop New Skills

What types of new skills does the use of new technology develop in students?

New Skills and Learning Assessment

What are the implications of new skills development for learning assessment?