Michael Anderson

Michael Anderson

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Do you think the nature of on-line classes leads to a tendency to multi-task in more postmodern (Attention Challenged) students? I would rather they focused on the content than playing online games while reading course notes, watching videos, animations or taking a quiz. And, more importantly, is there a way to prevent, or at least minimize it?
Is there a working set of guidelines for say... ACICS?
Wouldn't a better test be, "Does this provide educational benefit constant with the amount of time it is being presented in class?" I like being able to get students involved, but I am not sure I want it at the expense of intellectual rigor. Also, your forum e-mail reminder sent me to answer the wrong thread.
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Thanks, the internal database system we are using for student info has a Moodle API port, just wanted to be sure before recommending purchasing it in addition to what we had before.
What are the implications for Accreditation for online classes? Will they follow the same guidelines?
Where does one draw the line between education and entertainment? I have been annotating "Amusing Ourselves to Death" for one of my classes and it occurs to me, is this post-modern? What is the difference between "engaging" students and "entertaining" them? Should we consider it one or the other, or is there a gradient and a definite point past which they can't take the information seriously? Pardon the rant-like questions, I am in the midst of writing a piece about post-modern education.
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I am in the position to guide our institution into online learning and am looking for suggestions for software and/or internet-based systems. I have loaded Moodle on my personal server, but am not sure if it has all the things described as far as modules and lessons. Could someone suggest a system, preferable open-source, that would accomplish the goals of this course while remaining accessible to a broad range of users/clients? Thanks, Mike Anderson
What happens when we have kids? How does an average family do it? I just can't see the balance I guess.
My boss is of the mindset that everything has to be not just tidy, but aesthetically pleasing. So if I have old furniture, it may be a problem. I am torn between the stress of getting everything done and the stress of keeping everything immaculate.
Isn't that unfair?

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