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Dealing with unfocused students.

I continually advise the students that their GOAL is to be successful, not only in my class, but overall in their education. And the only way to achieve their GOAL is to maintain their FOCUS! This simple fact usually brings them back.

Grading tests

I find it helpful if the students use only capital letters with multiple choice (A,B,C,D) this takes the confussion out of decodeing if an a looks like a d. Also, I have them use an A to = Ture and an B to= False. This makes grading quicker.

Common Instructor Mistakes

when i lecture i find my self sometimes leaving students out you always include all the students

when students are angry

As an Instructor you should never put yourself in harms way from an angry person that is uncontrollable. use good judgement to determine if you can calm the person.

Unfocused Students

I tell my students situations from past experiences,of mine I can explain the relevance of what they are learning and how it will help them in the working world.


I am glad that this course is streesing the syllabus so much. What I have seen over the years that many classes skip this very inportant part of the class and it makes it harder not only for that instructor but also instructors that have to follow them later on in the students tenure at the school. If it is not instilled in the student from the beginning of what is expected of them and also required of them then it creates alot of gray areas especially around grade time!

Setting the stage for success

During my lectures I address the students w/my knowledge of out in the field experences. What happened, what took place & what I did to fix it.

How do you get students to disclose their learning disability.

Sometimes I get a student that has an Accomadation Plan showing his/her learning problem, but will only pull it out when the going gets tough, like just before a test is given they pull it out and it may say that the test must be read to them. How do you get the student to show this plan at the begining of class, I know we are not allowed to ask for them, so how do you do it?

Common Instructor mistakes

Not doing proper class preparation is a common mistake made. Students can quickly tell that the instructor is not prepared. You need to own up to your mistakes and then move on. Students will respect you for this.

Setting the stage for Success

Setting the stage for a learning experiance is the most important thing to be follow through on.That way the students all have an idea what will be happening through the course.

Challenging Students

I find it really hard for a student to really want to be sucessful in a class and then miss the first day of the class.I will get the student aside when he comes in on the second day of class and try to get some kind of idea why he would not show up for one of the most important days of the class and then try to encourage them to take it on themselves to make up for it in a way that suits them. if they do,then it makes me believe in their excuse !

Psychomotor activities

Engine repair classes are perfect for the use of psychomotor activities. The students must follow instructions, perform tasks, recognize flaws and formulate repair processes. The instructor can easily evaluate the students performance.

Adjusting your attitude to deal with stress

While many of the other methods of dealing with stress, or better yet, eliminating stressors, are great ideas, I have found that I was crreating some of those stressors myself because of the way I percieved events at work, not the events themselves. For instance, when I first started as an instructor I would take it very personally when a student performed poorly in my class, to the point where it caused a lot of stress and I know I laid awake nights thinking of it. I was creating stress in my life about things that are not within my control. I now ask myself, did I offer all the help I could? Did I do everything I could to ensure the student's success? If I can answer myself honestly, with a yes, and the students failed to take advantage of what was offered to him because of a lack of motivation on his part, or if failed to grasp a concept after explaining or demostraating the concept using every learning style method I could come up with, then I am not at fault, and should not personally suffer stress because of something I am not in control of. Other things I can control, I manage, things I can not control, I simply dismiss. I will not allow myself to loose sleep or become ill because of things that are not within my control.

Grading Labs

Some of the new lab sheets we have developed make it much easier to keep up with grading by providing designated spaces for conclusions based on the students tests. The most relevent measurements are in the right-hand column and the conclusions are at the bottom of each page. Rather than have to read the entire labs sheets with dozens of meter measurements, we simply scan the sheet for completeness and look at the two measurements on the lower right-hand column. Then be certain that the studnets's conclusion or diagnoses matches these last two measurements. This is especially helpfull for large lab tasks.



Getting it out of your mind...

This list idea is so simple but I think it might be a solution for me. I'm so busy some times that I find myself trying to do too many things at one time and forgetting things. Other times when I do have a free moment I find myself walking around in a haze wondering "now what was it I was supposed to do?", and accomplishing little, or focusing on the wrong (least important) things on my imaginary list. Now... where do I keep the to-do list where it will be handy? I don't have a "desk" and work in several areas of the building...

New Business Practices

I like Michal Anderson's suggestion of having a hammock at work. Haven't you heard of the latest practices in some businesses that allows the massagers to come and give you a back-rub for blood circulation. I think that may be more therapuetic & stress reliever for the repetitives tasks that some of us have to do sitting in front of the computers. It will have less carpel tunnel problems & less medical expense, and less absentism, too.

Take your dogs out for a run in the desret

The best test reliever is my quality time with my pets, running, playing, and jogging in the desert. It give me quality time with myself & my dogs, look at the sunset over the moutains, talk to myself & my dogs who wre the best confidants - what to talk about the fresh air the wonderful excercise. Kill two birds with one stone rather than run on the treadmill. When you run on the treadmill, all other chores are still waiting for you, like, walking the dogs. I find talking to other friends about your stress has leaks & you might face more ugly & stressful situations later for having spoken to someone something you shouldn't have spoken about. Pets are the best stress-relievers.

Priortizing - immensely important

My experience in life has made me realize thatpriortizing tasks for teaching are the most effective way of saving my time for other relevant or regular things. I would like to know if anything else has worked better for others.

How to avoid common mistakes?

Be on time. Be prepared. Be organized. I have fallen short with each of these elements at one time or another. After 7 years of teaching several related courses to prepare students for our specific industry, I have made many mistakes. But if it is one of the essential elements above, it is more serious than any other mistake I have made. Sometimes my demo is not perfect. So what? I tell them that it is not, and tell them why. And during their production, I watch over them to make sure they are working toward not making the same mistake I did. It is always nice to have a perfect demo, but it just doesn't happen every single time. So I strive to work on the main things that will help me avoid mistakes: timeliness, preparedness, and organization.