Brian Reeves

Brian Reeves

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There was one of the topics in this module that I feel we can improve on; orientation. Orientation should be an open forum with actual instructors, the people that will be on the front lines with these students. This would be good so they can get first hand knowledge of what is going to be expected from them. Hearing this from someone they will see again in a class might take away some of the guesswork that some students have from class to class.
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I feel if you keep the student focused with their eyes on the prize, and keep them interested in what we are teaching then it will help in retention. If boredom sets in the the student might look to other alternatives to stimulate their quest for knowledge. We just got to keep them interested. Spice it up a little!
I think it is important that students deal with the stress. We all have stress. If we cater to the indvidual with the stress and attempt to coddle them. it might send the wrong message to that student and the other students of possible unfair attention. I am not saying to feed them to the lions but sometimes people need to deal with their stress mostly by themselves. Sometimes people don't like the personal intrusion. They are not kids they are adults, this is a good start for them to deal with stress now in more of a controlled enviorment.

I guess everyone has their own voice on how to retain the students and to gain new ones. I feel it comes down to accuracy. If you offer a good product and the student signs up. As long as the sales pitch is accurate enough of the true product then retention should be a breeze! Most of us all know about the "smoke and mirrors", and "bait and switch" moves of some sales associates in the automotive industry and we all know that it is damaging to the whole market. As long as we give them what we initially sold… >>>

I feel that even after teaching for a good amount of time you still get a little bit of the butterflies before the class. That to me is a good feeling, it is kind of an adventure, you have no idea what is in store for you until that class walks through your door. That is what makes this job exciting
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I have notices that if you follow the guidlines that are laid out for an instructor with UTI that student monitoring becomes a second nature. Everything that was listed out in this chapter seems to be our normal policy and procedures... with a little more paperwork involved.
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Some of the courses I have taught in the pass also involved speakers and field trips. There is nothing better than getting the class to see first hand what they will be involved in within a short time. They get a better understanding of what the industry expects from them. Also guest speakers give students a peers perspective of what life is like after UTI and see how they can also grow just like the speaker has.
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I am glad that this course is streesing the syllabus so much. What I have seen over the years that many classes skip this very inportant part of the class and it makes it harder not only for that instructor but also instructors that have to follow them later on in the students tenure at the school. If it is not instilled in the student from the beginning of what is expected of them and also required of them then it creates alot of gray areas especially around grade time!
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I agree with the course as it states the the syllabus is the operation manual for the course. To me it is a very critical point of the class. It is the starting point so all students together know what is expected and required from them. Also it takes the guess work out of completion times and also it clears up the confusion of how the grades are established at the end of the class.
I have seen many instructors want to be "buddies" with their students. I feel that is a bad business practice. You don't need to be buddies to gain respect and a rapport with them. Professionalism in teaching is very important. If the students feel your their buddie, then when it comes time for any diciplinary action, it either is not taken seriously or the student will feel you betrayed them or their friendship.

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