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Career Coaching in Action | Origin: CS113

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Becoming an Effective Career Coach --> Career Coaching in Action

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Realistic expectations might be one of the most important things to help the students understand in this career path. So many students start the program thinking that they will be the next big star or a Grammy award will be handed to them upon completion. It is vital to make sure all students have realistic expectations when it comes to obtaining a position in the Audio world and they might have to start from the bottom. Setting up a plan with students early on and helping them understand the process is vital for career coaching.

The need for instant gratification is on the rise these days with social media, students post a picture/video and instantly start getting "likes" and feel a sense of accomplishment. However, starting a career is not instantly gratifying and I believe that helping students understand and accept this is important. As the moduel stated, to help a student reach their goals, we as coaches must help them remain focused and continue taking actions towards said goal. The fact that there is no instant gratification in finding a job can cause anyone to feel unmotivated, specially a studeent who is just starting their career and may begin to self doubt. Keeping the student motivated is not neccessarily the coaches responsibility as motivation is something that comes from within, however using different techniques and approcahes to help the student idetify what keeps them motivated, can make a world of difference in that student reaching their goal.  

I  really enjoyed reading and learning about the different techniques to address motivation: Role Modeling, Affirmation, and Visualization.

I learned about motivating my students to achieve their goals.

Flipping the script and asking students what they would advise is a good method to get them to come up with several options for job seeking methods.

Career coaching is mainly about empowering others to tap into their desires or what gives/will give them a sense of purpose in life by utilizing different techniques such as visualization or role modeling. I plan on using these strategies to help students achieve their career goals.


I gained alot from the steps to avoid and the Quesrioning Techniques.  Those purposeful questions elicits more in depth thinking, problem solving for students.  This is again important in allowing students to set and achieve more meaningful goals.  Working with students who are motivated is important, and working with students who lack motication is just as important.  

Do not make decisions for students.

It is important for the students to know what they are going into and getting them motivated to do so...

Words have power, so use them for GOOD. As coaches for our students we have the ability to help them work through their concerns/problems/insecurities so they can achieve and be who they are meant to be. I really like the techniques presented  to Prompt Action & Addressing Student Motivation…I will be incorporating Affirmations more intentionally with my kiddos and work to weave them in throughout the day via notes/emails.   I love this work and it’s a privilege to do this work with our students. 


It is important to help the student form their own decisions. Steer the conversation by asking questions and using varying techniques to improve motivation. Do not do the work for the student which can cause dependency instead coach and guide them to their own conclusions.

I think the quote from Daniel Pink stood out to me the most. Drive comes from something internal not external. We want to control our path and connect to each other. That's the critical piece that motivates us. 


Helping the student develop their skills at motivating themselves has a high ROI of your time invested with them. Do it. Invest the time. Autonomy mastery and Purpose are my three key principles for motivation and the ones I try to instill in students. 


I learned not to get pulled into coaching traps such as creating false expectations and not actively listening to students. It is important to listen to your students and allow them to participate in setting goals and determining which actions to take to achieve those goals.

I like the chart on Cartesion Questions.  A blank form to help students think through things in a structured manner will greatly help them overcome those imagined barriers.  It's a great personal reminder, too :)

I really learned a lot from the traps to avoid in coaching and techniques to prompt motivation. The cartesian questions are a great structured manner I can incorporate today with my jobseekers.

In this module, I learned the three important motivational techniques.  It is important to be conscious of the fact that effective coaching consists well planned scaffolded progression and achievement of mutually established goals based on realistic expectations.

Sometimes the best way to support someone is by allowing them to support themselves, with you on the sidelines cheering them on. Affirmations and role modeling/pretending seem to be the most efficient ways in getting a student to believe in themselves. 

I've learned that modeling positive behaviors and applying affirmations are actions which can uplift a student struggling with motivation, for example. I will work on remaining supportive and co-constructing solutions when assisting a student on a job search.

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