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Right away I found myself falling into my old trap of sending a student job leads and I thought to myself, "What area you doing"? I regrouped and asked him if he could possibly think of anywhere that he might go in person or on the internet to apply for jobs and I asked for him to email me back his thoughts.

Hello everyone,

I've gained some valuable insights on the topic of Career Coaching in Action, and I'm excited to share my thoughts and intentions.

One of the key takeaways for me is the importance of active listening and empathy when working with clients. Understanding their unique career goals, challenges, and aspirations is crucial for providing tailored guidance. I plan to apply this by dedicating more time to truly comprehend my clients' needs before formulating strategies.

Additionally, the concept of feedback and its significance in career coaching stood out to me. Constructive feedback can be a powerful tool for growth, and I aim to incorporate it into my coaching sessions more effectively. I'd love to hear from others about their strategies for delivering feedback that resonates with clients.

Lastly, I'm interested in discussing time management techniques for both coaches and clients. Balancing multiple clients and helping them navigate their career paths efficiently is a challenge. If anyone has tips on this aspect, I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts.

Looking forward to engaging in meaningful discussions and learning from all of you!


I have learned  effective techniques to coaching students both to address their motivation and to prompt action.  I have also learnee practices to avoid so as not to tell student what to do but rather encourage their generation of ideas and solutions.

It’s so important to take the time to really understand the client and what they are actually looking for. Once you know the “big picture” it becomes easier to coach the client into helping themselves achieve their goal. Do not solve the problems for them, instead, be there for support as they consider different solutions on their own.

Career coaches help with career planning, career changes, career advice, and other career decisions. 

Coaching comes in many different forms? giving positive affirmations, Listening, career advisement and many more techniques to assist or students along the way.  

I've learned a that setting yourself up so we can be role models to our students. Role modeling can inspire the students to keep moving. 

It is important to help guide students through their programs.  We must help guide them back to why they started their programs, so that they have the ability to continuously remind themselves when motivation is down.  If we role model, remain positive, and coach students, they will feel empowered to push through the difficult aspects of their programs. 

In all honesty, I'm realizing I could be using this on myself and staff more and more to better understand my own roadblocks. Its all relevant. 

It is important to be explicit in your expectations with students. 

I have been telling my students for years that motivation is intrinsic. I will be be the best cheerleader on the sideline to encourage them on the journey, but they have to pull from within to reach their goals.

It is crucial to set realistic expectations and make sure that the student is able to make their own decisions. If we hold their hand throughout the entire process, then they will not be ready to act on their own in the real world. 

I thought the Cartssion questioning strategy was interesting and insightful. Establishing and articulating realistic expectations "... a coach never decides for a student". 

This module reminded me of Motivational Interviewing techniques. Much of our responsibility is to elicit growth and excitement in our students by letting them be autonomous in their decision-making process. We need to use positive affirmations to help them continue on this difficult process of exploring the right career path for them. 

Having students realize their goals for themselves is the best way for them to buy into their new careers.

I learned that motivation is just as important--or even more--as all of the other avenues to student, goal attainment. Thererfore, I will be vigilent and intentional, so that I may not leave this apsect of the coaching relationship unexamined or underestimated.

One thing that really stood out to me in this training is the trap of asking questions to provide solutions. Although I know our goal is to help students find solutions, I expected to be taking a more hands on approach. However, I see how it is more beneficial to the student to empower them to find their own solutions. This module also gave several techniques to help us help the students think for themselves such as the cartesian method, role modeling, and role playing. 

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