Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Should be interesting

This course will most likely have to be redesigned given the conflicting views of the last and current administrations.

Non traditional Students

Overcoming controllable barriers to better serve our nontraditional students is crucial for students & school success.

AI encouragement

It is so important as career leaders to encourage not only students, but also faculty, to embrace the exciting changes that will result from expanded AI use.  I personally have an action plan to hold a small seminar for faculty and students within my organization on how they should work together on integrating the use of AI in career readiness, as well as the classroom. 

Students value the psychological perspective of gainful employment

Psychological Perspective: In the context of psychology, gainful employment is characterized in terms of how work is a determinant of quality of life influencing our identity, our social support, and our sense of purpose. In this context, gainful employment is about how our work leads to a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Communication is key

I have learned that the communication with new students, alumni, employers and internal departments we must have constant communication.  Our primary focus is to assist the student but we cannot ignore our alumni and employers as they come with great wisdom of what the job market is currently seeking, and inform us as to why they are currently hiring or what the trend is at the moment. 


I enjoyed taking a deeper dive into work based learning through this into course. I am a certificated WBL teacher but I find there is always so much to learn.  I felt this course resonate with my work and all of the complexities it involves  


I love the way this program teaches It gives me a lot of confidence and I actually follow the recommendations and have success with students staff and community 

Best Practices with Coaching

My best practice that I've learned thus far for coaching is to be attentive. Students respond to you in the same way that we respond to them. If you are empathetic, open, and genuine with your students-- they will be the same way for you. 

Setting Up an Effective Alumni Association | CS105

So far from this course, I have learned essential planning leads to the successful development of an Alumni Association.

My foremost requirement is to determine the "why" of my Alumni Association; I must identify the need or opportunity that this association will address. My institution aims to increase its enrollment numbers and has previously recruited through referrals. Therefore, my Alumni Association would serve my institution best by creating a roadmap for graduates to connect prospective students with our Admissions department.

Another essential requirement for my association is to establish an Advisory Board. I currently meet with several interested departments informally… >>>

Internships & Externships

Although Internships/Externships can be daunting at times, it provides Real Life hands-on training that benefits students.  It will offer them an insight that book learning is unable to teach and may be a turning point for the student.  Students can decide if this is something they are passionate about, or perhaps they may want to re-route their career path.

Career Advisor

Learning better ways to help and deal with many different types of students.


Some of this section doesn't pertain to us because we are in the skilled trades. We tell our students to dress business casual such as a polo with khaki's (even our young women), but they should also bring work clothes,  a helmet and their tool bag. Believe it or not, unless they are specifically told by the employer to bring these items, they sometimes forget.

Job Search - Action Plan

Action plan  - Market yourself

Be strategic

Brand yourself digitally 

Utilize key words 

Use performance indicators

Reset and begin again seeking improvement

Utilize practices that show you are capable (Theory into practice)




Best Practices

I like to talk to people who have previously worked for a company.  Many times these individuals have nothing to gain or hide by telling you things you should consider.

Don't Underestimate One's Ability Based On Perceived Disabilities

My newphew was born (1994) with Achromatopsia and Horizontial Nastagmus.  Two eye disabilities that label him as Legally-Blind.  He was a gulf war baby.  As a small child he wore sun glasses because  these conditions gave have extreme light sensitivity and darting eyes.  Besides squinting, and being almost disabled by the sun, my nephew, CBS was not a normal child.  He was an exceptional child.  To GOD Be The Glory! I applauded my sister, her husband and the family for not treating CBS as if he was less than, special or not able to compete.  My neqphew, CBS was treated… >>>


Gaining more knowledge on HEIs was extremely insightful. 




a.   The following documentation is required:

                                         i.    Pheb Diploma from school

                                        ii.    California Phlebotomy Practical Training form – signed by the medical staff who trained the student

                                      iii.    OFFICIAL High School /GED transcripts/ or Evaluated documents showing HS/GED education – official Transcripts must be sent/upload to CDPH from the HS where the student graduated.

                                      iv.    Have passed the AMT Examination

b.   Go to California Department of Public Health

1. Create an online account

Request access to the Laboratory Field Services application. 
 2. Log into your account

Log in to your account, create an application, sign the… >>>


Relationships are the biggest part of career coaching.  

High School Career Services

The information obtained in CS101 will be utitlized to develope a Career Services Center at the high school level.  The Career Services Center will be a college and career pathways room that will be used for small group meetings, workshops, taining sessions, and video conferencing.  The Center will include resources on employability skills, job outlook, and training programs.  

Interviewing techniques

I really enjoyed this section - reinforced what I have been thinking and teaching as a Professional Development instructor.

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