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Powerful Resumes and Cover Letters | Origin: CS102

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Empowering Students to Find and Secure the Right Job --> Powerful Resumes and Cover Letters

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

I learned the most about the cover letter requirements. Writing about how you will follow up and what details to include in the cover letter were helping details for me to share with students. 

Good information!  Although I knew most of this infomation already, this session helped confrim what I know about cover letter and resume writing.  I am excited to see the differnt formats avaiable.  

This information is eye-opening.  I thought that cover letters were becoming less necessary and have been replaced by job applications.


Writing targeted letters to specific employers of interest is  great way for students to introduce themselves. If the individuals have some "hands-on" experience, it is important for the student to "explain" their experience in a short phrase that includes a number (how long have they done something, how many students were on their "team' to complete a project  Another important arena is "safety" what "safety" instruction have they received that is relevant to the prospective employer, i.e. OSHA 10, Power Tools, Hand Tools, Complex equipment such as a lathe, mill, etc.? 

When writing a cover letter, make sure the grammar is correct, i.e., if the activity the student is explaining is complete, then use a "past tense" verb so the employer can see the student has "used" this experience in a lab situation, an internship or work environment.

I found this module to confirm what I've practiced for many years.  Excellent learning opportunity for those who are just entering the field.


Reply to Mary Nourse's post: It's always good to surprise a prospective employer with that extra effort.

I learned that "References available upon request" is no longer acceptable on resumes. Students should compile a list of references to give the potential employer. This section was filled with may great examples to help students see the importance of a strong cover letter and resume.


I learned more about specific details to include on cover letters and that 2 page resumes are acceptable.

I learned that it is very important to break down the cover letter format to better assist our students and graduates. Explaining to them what type of salutaion or how to conclude the last paragraph.

I enjoyed the activities suggested when creating a student's reference list. This is an excellent tool to use with students!


Something great for the students to learn is that they may have a lot of relevant skills and experience while working in an entirely different field, This is so important so that they do not disqualify themselves before truly looking at what all they have to offer. You learn so much from all different jobs and it is all valuable. When you word it the right way, it turns your cover letter and resume to gold!


This section provided a lot of useful reminders of how to help students create professional resumes and cover letters to help them get an interview. Providing the "why" behind each section of the resume and cover letter will be helpful when working with students on creating these documents.


This module reassured a lot of the things I already new which was great! It gave great tips on writing an effective resume and coverletter.


One thing that I was reminded of in this unit was the fact that we need to review formal etiquitte with students to make sure that they are coming off in the best light possible. There are some things that we recognize as expected but that students actually need to be taught these things. 


Never realized the importance of a cover letter.

I guess the changes and expections in cover letters and a Resume.  I did not realize that references should be listed always and also the importance of a targeted letter. 

The cover letter can make or break the resume; therefore, students should take writing the cover letter just as seriously as typing the resume.

Having a list of references should be an automatic tool to have before applying for jobs in any industry and the way it is formatted should be also important.

Organization is key when it comes to sorting out potential references (creating lists, sorting out relevant contacts, etc.) to have for a job application. 


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