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Powerful Resumes and Cover Letters | Origin: CS102

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Empowering Students to Find and Secure the Right Job --> Powerful Resumes and Cover Letters

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This module provided valuable tips on writing an effective resume and cover letter. I found it especially helpful to see the importance of explaining the "why" behind each section of these documents, making it easier to guide students in creating strong applications. It was a great reminder that relevant skills and experience can come from various fields, and knowing how to present them effectively can make all the difference.Overall, this was a great learning opportunity, and I’m excited to apply these strategies to help students build compelling resumes and cover letters that set them apart!

Resumes not only talk about our work experiences but also about who we are. Employers want to know about both. It's important to have a clean and organized resume but also make it unique and personal. I also learned that at times we may think there is not much to add to our resume, but there is always more than we realize. We need to help students learn everything they can add to theirs.

I may be dating myself, but I was always told to have a 1 page resume with references available but not on it.  I am learning now this is no longer the case. I wonder, if employers only look at a resume for <2 minutes, why should it be longer?

It's great information to share with students to research the organization they are applying to first to get tips on what to incorporate into their cover letters. I Love the resource tools to help students with references.  I think this part of a resume is a really tricky area to navigate and the tools are very beneficial to help students know who and who will not make a good reference.  

Cover letters are important because the employer get to know your specific skills and it is professional to have it. Follow up emails are key to be successful in a job interview.

I learned invaluable tips and insights into crafting effective resumes, cover letters and professional references. It was particular enlightening to learn (specific detail or tips that was particularly helpful). 

The cover letter is important!

Resume, cover letter and even refences are a way of marketing skills that are a fit for the job for which the student is applying.

Good refresher on effective resumes and cover letters.

I enjoyed revisiting the requirements for a cover letter and resume.  

When setting up a resume, you should ask for permission before adding a reference. 

I learned that cover letter and resume are a must have for any successful job seeker.

I love all the suggested role plays and activities that will help student practice the particular task whether it's determining appropriate references or listing skills and qualifications based on previous experiences.  Also, the tracking piece is very important.

Although I knew most of this information I found it beneficial to reread the insights and especially the focus of formatting your references

I've learned the importance of personalizing the cover letter for each job application. Generic cover letters that lack specific details about the company and the position are less likely to grab the attention of hiring managers. By tailoring the letter to the company's needs and highlighting how my skills align with the job requirements, I increase my chances of standing out.

A resume and cover letter are essential because they provide the hiring manager with further details on how your skill set aligns with the role, what you can bring to the team, and why you want the position. Cover letters also allow the recruiter and hiring manager to develop a better understanding of your suitability for a job.

That putting "References Available Upon Request" is no longer done and having a list already prepared to give when asked is necessary.

Prioritizing references. Who and why?

I like the idea of using the job posting and also information about the company to help write a really strong cover letter.  Also, I appreciate asking students to really consider who they would list as references and to consider what those people may say about you as a candidate.

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