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In this module I learned the importance of keeping files and documents organized. And realized how a checklist/guide will make the process easier on all the applicant's process.

In this section, I learned the importance of ALWAYS having a current Resource Binder on hand. 

It is very important to stay on point with all the admissions requirements.  We need to maintain consistency of the Admissions process to ensure we are properly serving the students and keeping the upmost consistency of the institution. 

The information I learned from this module pertains to the laws and regulations surrounding the admissions process, as well as the necessity to be organized with student files. 

Follow the admissions process my institution has in place and have a check list to ensure all areas covered.  

Learned to adopt the specific system that the institution has for the accurate movement of student forms. Lots of forms and need to be organized in order to make sure nothing is missed. 

To do a check mark of the things that you should go with a student so they fully understand about the terms of enrollment and refer applicants to financial department for complete financial aid interviews and required documents so they know their obligations and ramifications if they do not comply to the terms of their loans or repayment plans.

I learned the importance of being prepared and knowledgeable regarding the enrollment process and ensuring all documents (especially the enrollment agreement) are gone over thoroughly with prospective student to ensure compliance and institutional standards are met.

I learned about all that should be included in the Enrollment Agreement and to have a checklist prior to meeting with the student in addition to being organized. All of our documentation and files are now kept digitally but I will focus on staying organized with spreadsheets and color coding.

The importance of maintaining all information necessary to initiate a student's admission process and knowing all fair consumer practices when providing enrollment information.

The information provided was a great refresher and reminded me how important being extremely organized and consistent is for ensuring compliance and a positive student experience. 

I learned that it is important to understand and be able to speak to the different types of financial requirements the student will have as well as any payment plans or aid that may be available. 

Checklist, being prepared for the interview, and utilizing organizational skills are important to complete the admissions process successfully.

I have learn the importance of having a checklist for a successful interview and providing financial aid related information to students

What this module helped me is about organization, once the enrollment agreement is made, how to keep track of the informations obtained from it 

The information is very clear and it is important that all departments are aligned in terms of processes and procedures.

In this module I learned the importance of the rules and regulations and why its important to have each updated an organized. I also learned each institute needs to have information provided to each student about policies and all financial obligations and resources for financial aide. Also it is a good idea to create a student file for each student and obtain copies of all documents.

I learned that it is important to be prepared for the prospective student prior to their visit. We need to provide them with information about the enrollment agreement, tuition, and the requirements to be admitted to the school.

This information was really informative about admission requirements and compliance. 

What I've learned from this module is that it is important follow your institutions rules and guidelines.

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