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Becoming a Professional Educator | Origin: EC101

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Your First Year as a CTE Teacher (Part 1) --> Becoming a Professional Educator

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too. 

I learned that being prepared is vital to keep engagement levels up in the class and lab. Have clear expectations and be consistent with upholding those values

Comment on Ayman Abdelghafour's post:

Hi Ayman, 

I thought I could not stand at front at the class. Last year, I had a opportunity as adjunct instructor. As result, I loved and enjoyed until now 

Setting Expectation, boundaries and playing a role model in classrooms in my point of view is highly important. I enjoyed learning the professional perspective of these sides. 

This module has reminded me that as a CTE teacher I have a higher standard to uphold. Sometimes, we can become complacent and forgot the importance of how others our actions and although we have a private life, as a teacher that is not necessarily as private as we think.

I have learned that it is important to not befriend a student even if they have similar interests and age. The boundaries must stay professional through the course of the students program

Professionalism and creating boundaries with students are important.

I deal only with adult learners, so the boundaries are a little different. However, I have always limited my use of social media and tried to maintain a professional relationship with all the students. I remember the hype over social media 10 years ago, and how it has proven to need a healthy level of scrutiny.

I have learned about some new acronyms and I am thankful for the lists provided in the module.  I was also reminded that it is okay to share some information about myself to remind my students that I do have a life outside of the classroom.  I tend to be a very private person and only talk about work at work.  I intend to share a little bit more about myself with them during our "family time."

It is important to be professional and set boundaries with your students.  Students are not peers.  The teacher needs to remain a role models.  The students are watching and learning for the CTE teacher.

Best to keep a very small web footprint, and post almost nothing.

This module hits the professionalism needed in the classroom and beyond. How boundaries are a must. 

It is important to keep professional and personal matters separated. Always remembering that social media content is always scrutinized.      

The classroom ties very closely to what I have been taught in 18 years of industry. Always a good refresher.

Always maintain a professional attitude and demeanor as to not cross the line. You must be what you represent. 

It is important to keep relationships with students professional.

setting boundaries is important

That in CTE you are not a peer but a role model to your students so act accordingly.

While many of the concepts in this lesson aren't new in the professional realm, I found it to be a very thorough review of why the separation between teacher and student are needed - especially digitally. 

Being a role model for my students is important.  I need to set and to model setting boundaries and establishing professionalism.

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