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Job Analysis | Origin: OP115

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Hiring the Right Faculty for Your Institution --> Job Analysis

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Job analysis is important because it will help you in the development of your job description as well as fill the gaps that are needed, to better your team. Observations and interviews are highly important to ensure that the individual does align with your company and the staff, as well to see if there is any training needs prior to hiring.

Hiring the right facilitator/Instructor is important to the success of any educational institution.

I learned that your current instructors can assist in shedding light on what your institution values in instructors and key attributes that your student-base may effectively respond to. 

I like doing observations of veteran instructors with the new instructors.

I see that job analysis is very important to assure that you are finding the right people. 

I've completed many incumbent observations but had never thought about it from the standpoint of identifying good hires from future candidates.  This is a very helpful perspective for myself and my team as we complete observations.

A job analysis is essential to successfully hiring the right instructor for the organization. To perform a sound analysis, you must first establish the KSAOs, define the instructor's potential functions, and identify the available budget for hiring purposes.

Many of our programs have only one full time faculty member. I plan on suggesting that deans and chairs perform some of these incumbent interviews and observations before there is a need to hire. If we  make the list of KSAOs for various roles now, especially those with smaller faculty pools, it will save time and headache later. 

Comment on Elizabeth Murphy's post: Great point! Especially if your instructors have demonstrated positive student outcomes, you would want to mimic that. 

I've learned that hiring the right candidate also involves evaluating your institution's strengths and weaknesses. This will help determine what you can do differently not only to attract strong candidates, but to retain current employees. 

Other than that, having a strong job description including more than just knowledge and skills (but also other qualities needed for top job performance) is essential to hiring the right candidate(s).

In my school, I have 1 exceptional instructor. Students rave about her in their evaluations at the end of each module. I think I could learn a great deal if I invested more time observing her. I have her mentoring new teachers, but I feel like a more structured process would be advantageous.

A good job analysis will help the school acquire skilled and knowledgeable instructor's. 

The importance of knowing the skills and job tasks pertaining to the job, in order to search for a new team member that fits perfectly.

This module on job analysis provided me with the tools and techniques to write a good job description. Additionally, by applying the tools and techniques provided, I will be able to conduct an in-depth study of the tasks, responsibilities, and technical and soft skills expected from the applicants. 


Your entire staff should participate in the job analysis process. Those that are doing the job on a daily basis has the best information on what/who would make an effective instructor. By observing them and interviewing them, you can develop a job description to guide you in the hiring process. In a sense, we are all HR reps.

I enjoyed this module and learning how to put together a well-thought job description using job analysis with incumbent observation and interviews. Collaboration is huge in any business, but especially in the business of education. It's important to observe and learn from the people we have who do well and who we want to continue to emulate within the company, in that position. 

Completing the job analysis is a large task that is very important. The right team member will help create change in the work place. Completing the job analysis requires attention to detail and complete departmental needs. 

I have learned that ii is also important to plan on retaining faculty not just hiring them

I think that using an incumbent for observation to get better ideas for hiring an instructor, is a great way to determine what skills, experience, strategies and overall teaching goals they might possess. 

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