Barbara Martin-Goldsand

Barbara Martin-Goldsand

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Documentation is so important for all students. Making sure everyone understands what is and is not appropriate documentation will garner consistancy through the entire acadenic experience.

In order to create a successful online learning environment involves a mix  of student-centered active learning along with an instructor developed, cohesive plan of instructional activities. 

I really like the Checklist to Critique Your Group Project and plan to use it to help guide students when they develop projects collaboratively.

I like the idea of incorporating assignments involviong using video segments avout specific course content, and found it constructive to know that these videos should be approximately 15 minutes.

Three of the main principles or elements seen in active learning are: structure and planning, self reflection, and accountability. All need to be addressed in order to create a successful online learning environment.

"Online instructors should use multiple ways of assessing students’ abilities and address a variety of learning styles/preferences at the same time. "

Though LMS have made significant improvments, they can still pose problems to the online learner with a disabiity

Though many improvements have been made by Learning Management Systems in the United States as their designers have become more knowledgeable, understanding and aware of the needs of learners with disabilities, they still present prblems to to students with disabilities who are learning online.

A very necessary discussion of the legal ramifications involved with providing learning for students with disabilities.

I didn't realize the varied types of learning disabilities we might encounter as instructors. In order to engage all students well, it is important to address these differences in our online pedagogy

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