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  • Require students to post questions and answers to a Frequently Asked  Questions (FAQ) discussion board
  • Check email at designated times during the day
  • Communicate with students about when you will and will not check email
  • Instruct students as to how often they should check email, the discussion board, or other communication areas


Communication with students is probably the most important part of our job. We also need to consider what is easiest for them to use as well. For most students, accessing their phone will be the easiest option for them.

Make use of the differnet technology tools that are available as well as using the correct tool for the type of students and class that you are teaching.


This module outlined the importance of identifying the appropriate technology for the job. There are different platforms for small groups as compared to larger ones, and social media is also a different communication medium. It is also important for the instructor, or instructional designer to investigate the correct tool to use to meet the course objectives.  End of course surveys are a good way to assess if the tools seelcted for the course are actually doing the job.  I also think beyond the surveys holding in-depth discussions with students is beneficial as it provides the opportunity to receive more detailed information and feedback. 

I really enjoy learning more about the use of Technology for the classroom and how it is used to communicate and some definite standards to use for effective communication.

One concept i have already been using is making sure students are equipped to be present during zoom educational instruction.

assessing that the communication is working properly because of the email lag for some students. when emails fail calling them by phone to speak to them directly ensures clear communication.

Texts and emails dont seem to be the most effective way to communicate.

I feel sometimes they may respond without reading the entire email.

Or they clearly miss it in their newsfeed.

Phones are still the best way to contact them and leaving voicemail.


There are so many effective tools. However, each needs to be assessed for the size, type, and specifics of the audience and intent. Tools are not always appropriate for all groups. This needs to be considered and assessed each term. This will help you determine what you should continue to use and what should be adjusted.


I learned that there are differrent platforms that can be used to communicate with our students. Some more effecient some more complex. There are networks that we must avoid as proffesionnals. It is our job to ensure that we use a networks that benefits both the instructor and the student which can lead to overall satisfaction with students and teacher increasing the line of communication and allowing us to build that relationship.


It is important to research different technology tools based on the different circumstances. i.e. size of class, course, amount of participation necessary etc. As instructors, we may get comfortable with one tool and expect it to be effective for all circumstances, but this may not be the case. I think that it is also important to realize that our students may be more comfortable with some technologies that is not our comfort level, but we must learn to adapt and continue to expand our horizons. 


There are many ways to commuciate with students. Technology is such a large part of their world, so if we can communicate this way then we will be able to reach them. Also, texting is a great wat to communicate, becuase students can go back and access information while on their phone. 

Using Facebook and Twitter were new ideas for me. They seemed less "professional", but if used for private groups and ways to communicate with the class, they could be viable tools. Whatever platform is used, it's important to set expectations and boundaries. 


Identifying and choosing the adequate technological tool is essential. Communication between the learner and the instructor or other colleagues must be copacetic. When the technology system fails the process of communication deteriorates or fails completely. This could be a stressor for both the learners and the instructor. Therefore, knowing the risk and benefits of each tool is optimal. A positive strategy is to assess the efficacy of the communication tool at least every few weeks and collectively at he end of each term.

I believe one of the best methods for contented students in a classroom is to have effective and interactive communication with the students.  Students must know what is expected and how the tasks are to be completed and the instructor must be able to effectively and regularly communicate with their students.  I have learned different ways to enhance my communications with my students through this module.

As an instructor, it is important to know what technology tool is best for your class and to choose which tool that everyone can use and not to use too many tools. Using too many technology tools will only cause confusion and it overloads the communication process.

I have learned how important it is to get feedback on your particular comuunication tool to ensure that any problems or difficulties the students may be experiencing with that tool is addressed and corrected in a timely manner.


I learned the pros and cons of the various types of communication and teaching styles for asynchronous and synchronous classes.   Also the importance of reviewing systems when in a formative and summative format.   


Communication continues to be a challenge, despite the various options for communicating. We have now begun to experience a dependency on technology, and the standstill that occurs when servers fail or networks are downs. But it is also challenging in trying to organize communication and then save attachments, send and receive sort communications, share files for collaboration. All this is evidence that communication protocols need to be communicated for each class, at the outset of the class, to ensure that the needed communication for the specific class occurs. Communication theorist affirms that as relationship increase so does the communication channels. This is not necessarily good news for the neat and clean class organization of communication. This fact underlines that multiple channels may forever be an inevitability not only due to the academic needs but also the learning community needs.


I do agree that accessing an appropriate technology for the class is essential as students learn in a variety of ways via different communication platforms. Instructor and student collaboration is common through VoIP such as Skype and Zoom. When working with the class, group of students, or individual students, I find that Zoom offers such capability to adjust the session (breakout rooms, one-on-one, etc.)

It was useful to learn the many ways that are available to engage and communicate with students. I also thought it interesting the part about how these various forms of communication (particularly email) can give the impression of 24/7 availability. I plan to implement the suggestion to establish boundaries about email response times. 


Make sure that the communication you choose gets the points you need to impress upon your students will work discuss this with your students and use the one that fits the best and follow up and make sure that it works

I'm now interested in learning how to use social media, Twitter in particular, as a communication tool! But I learned that various technology communication tools must be investigated to ensure effective communication with students, including offering students to give formative and summative feedback. 


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