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Modification of Traditional Classroom Activities | Origin: EL113

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Active Learning in an Online Environment --> Modification of Traditional Classroom Activities

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I now understand the importance of using a rubric for the learner's sake. It also provides consistency and ease for the instructor too

This course has helped me develop a re-training for my faculty. It is easy to eliminate or even initially not know the basics to enhancing the college classroom both on-ground and online for clinical college instructors.


Class rubrics can help to reduce stress in the grading process and help the instructor in keeping students on track as well as be used as a guide in grading.

This course has enlighten me on the use of RUBICS as a vital tool in teaching

rubrics an help facilitate the grading process for instructors. Students are encouraged to use active learning skills to achieve success in the course. 

I like having the Rubric to help with grading and utilizing it as a guide to facilitate questions to ask students and myself when grading

Rubrics are really helpful in communicating expectations for students. They eliminate the element of surprise in grading. I love the idea of posting examples of good work to help students set a standard for their own work.

I would fully review Rubric, engage students in participating in Rubric discussions to activate their comprehension and expand their critical thinking skills. Do a Q&A sessions after elaborating on expectations. Always an assessment to evaluate their learning.

Active learners take responsibility for their success. Instructors can review where resources can be located, study tips and tricks, and how to be successful at the beginning of the term. Instructors should be clear and concise when reviewing the information, however it is on the student to apply knowledge and have integrity and discipline to complete necessary work to pass.

Active learning does take planning according to your curriculum. As I reflect on my lectures; active learning can take a big part on my students learning for the good.

I loved how instructors were said to be like movie directors to students.  

The online instructor is the director of the course. Positively motivating the students helps increase learning. Students often lack time management. Students can use reading, reflective writing, doing, and displaying to help them actively learn.

To maintain student engagement, the online instructor should actively promote and encourage interaction with the course materials from the very beginning. 

It is very important to align thoughtful assessment with the active learning activities. 

I have learned 2 concepts: flipped instruction and flipped classroom.
Both very interesting and useful as part of active learning.
How would you apply it? Good at familiarizing students with both concepts, what they consist of, their applicability and usefulness.
Regarding the inverted classroom, I would agree with the students to give a few minutes of a synchronous class to discuss the material that they have obtained as a result of their searches and that complement the content of the class in addition to the results that they hope to achieve, a discussion would be encouraged between the students participating in the online class.

Traditional methods such as lecture then exam, do not engage a students active learning mechanism therefore in the end, not maximizing their learning or potential in the trade being instructed.  You must incorporate both, especially if conducting hybrid online courses.

Active learning in an online format requires a bit of thinking outside of the norm.  Because the instructor does not have the students directly in front of them, various interactive methods will need to be utilized to keep students engaged.

In my online setting, I always try to avoid group presentations because of issues with work schedules and complicated makeup times. However, I do see the benefit from an active learning perspective. This allows me to be the facilitator, but help the students understand and demonstrate the material in a way that is very hands-on. Using rubrics to assist with group activities is a great idea. This can help force responsibility on each member of the group as well as how do they interact as a whole. 

Rubrics can decrease the stress of assessments. Group projects help students to work together as well as teach them to contribute to the group as a whole. Each student may have their own strengths which can be beneficial when working together. 

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