Active learning is not restricted to a traditional classroom environment but can be used successfully on-line. Rubrics, expectations up front and continuous feedback are a few ways to enhance the student experience, keep them involved and ensure the instructor sets them up for success. I may create a rubric to assist in this process and like the idea of allowing the use of avatars for students that may feel more comfortable.
Rubrics can be used as a helpful guide to help let students know what is being asked of them. This can be especially helpful for the student in understanding the guide lines of even a building code in a construction class.
I learned that the used of Rubrics are important that guides the direction and expectation of the student assesment for the assignment.
Kendrick Kim
This lesson reiterated again on active learning and the shift of the teacher becoming the facilitator, who enables the students to conduct their own research, higher leve thinking and expression of their outcomes through various methods. I liked the idea of student reading or watching a video prior to class, and then using class for a synchronous conversation. However, that has been impossible to get my students to do in the past. I will always keep trying though, especially using information/learning chunking. This will hopefully not overwhelm them and get their interest with no daunting effort on their part. I will especially use the rubrics introduced for group work.
Students need to ultimatly learn by doing and incorportating new learning techniques is key in opening that door. I think the transition to hybrid learning will be a great platform for trade related classes to ease the stress of needing to absorb knowledge in lecture and at the students pace.
I learned that no graded assessment during the first part of the course and positive reinforcement works great. Also one on one communication thru email or canvas really gives student that bond and help make that connection.
Rubrics, due dates and a calendar set the expectation level for each student. They provide a clear road map to success. Group and individual assignments also increase participation and assessment of learning the material.
I think that setting expectations and rules that the students must follow can be important, but equally important is teh justification for them. Explain to them why they need to learn and understand rules, safety procedures, and why projects are important.
Rubrics can be used to assess Active Learning activities.
I will incorporate active learning strategies in my teaching. In particular, I will be clear about my expectations for the students, provide positive feedback throughout the course, and make sure to have incremental deadlines to help students with time managment. I also, will update rubrics to provide clear direction and feedback to help students progress.
Rubrics are a good thing. I have not used them much in the past but i can see that they can become useful in the future
Active learning activities increase student satisfaction rates, increase participation, increase students motivation to helps them to become interested with the process of aquiring content informaiton. Active learning and technology should not be used as an emperiment, but aligned with the goals and learning objectives of the course.
Rubrics are also very important becuase it helps students to understand the necessary parameters to follow when completing assignments.
Students may not be comfortable with active learning. The instructor should make the active learning fun. Lack of student motivation and anxiety can and will hinder successful learning. Always give feedback, including feedback for assignments well done.
R2D2 reading, reflective writing, displaying, and doing.
Strategie for active learning requires high standards with targeted feedback for further engagement at the level expected to meet competency. The end result is that the student knows 'how' to apply knowledge, not just with memorizing a fact or concept.
Giving students autonomy doesn't mean the teacher is losing control.
I learned how important is provided Rubrics to the students at the beggining of the course so the students will have clear instructions to follow.
I try to use a rubric for all of my class assignments, it let's the student know what is expected.
Adding references to students own lives help keep them engaged. Students can see the relevance of the material instead of just "facts" being presented to them.
I have learned that as a teacher in the online enviroment there is a lot to consider. However it does say that the instution should provide someone who can build online course for the classroom. So I am not sure why we as instructors need to know all the options.
I would incorporate all tools available to utilize for the online course and use rubrics for grading parameters.
Dr. Anton Hawatmeh