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Students who are older, or coming back to the classroom, may not be as comfortable with the active learning teaching style.


I have learned that students who engage in problem solving activities will retain more information.  I can put my students in pairs in a breakout room and have them discuss an EMS scenario and how they would work together as EMR partners to manage the situation.


I learned about active learning and how different types of components can be integrated such as cooperative learning and problem based learning. 


Give them a challenge ,impart the knowedge give them the tools ,let them work it out be watchful be encouraging if it doesn't work have them check it give them a hint see if they can figure it out most people like having to solve the problem that means they have found the path you pointed out and most of the time they retain the knowledge because you made them look for it and they discovered it on their own without you having to hold their hand when they get that aha moment you know you taught them something they won't forget

While the concept of active learning looks like it will definitely be a change from what I am accustomed to, I can definitely see how the student will benefit from this approach; just not sure how to get started!



In person I prefer to use problem-based learning in my courses, as it lends itself to the material. In my field, problem solving production issues is the very core of our curriculum, as well as the mainstay of careers in imaging.

However many mof my problem-solving lessons involve significant laboratory time, and I am working to adapt them to the remote environemnt.

When I was a student, I really enjoyed problem-based learning, as it made you "discover" information and putting it to use helps cement concepts.

This module focuses on two types of student's approach: active learning and learner-centered approach. Active Learning moves students from passive learning to actively being involved in the acquisition of knowledge. This pedagogy method puts the responsibility on the student's shoulders rather than on the instructor. 

The learner-centered approach to students has been a change in education. Students are expected to collaborate, cooperate, and to participate in problem-solving learning. In a learner-centered environment, students are self-directed while the instructor serves as a guide rather than a lecturer. Students will take charge of their own learning by practicing self-reflection and individual accountability. 


Active learning is instructor guided and the learning is mostly the students responsibility. I need to engage studentsin a way that promotes self- directed learning


Students are responsible for their own learning and it the instructors responsibility to find creative ways to facilitate the process.

Active Learning is being in control of one's own learning with an instructor as the facilitator. The student's role is to be active in group participation, peer reviews, and all components of the lesson with overall student accountability in their own learning.  It is also important for the instructor to have clear, structured instructions for students to follow.

I liked the analogy of looking at a teacher more as a coach than a lecturer. The teacher is a guide to help the students learn by doing. This is Active Learning. Providing hands on activities when you can and let students lead discussions are great ways to incorporate active learning. 


The best thing I have learned in this section, that I wish I experienced, was taking a pause and asking students what they learned in the last 20 minutes of the lecture. This is a great way to see if students are listening, understanding the information, and able to recall what they have learned. Also adding a chat feature to bounce back ideas between learners can really help engage them in the information. 


Active learning requires the students are responible for their own learning. Active learning requires instructors to be less rigid and hold on to just one style of teaching, instructors must be more open to learning activities and opportunities to provide students with a more immersive, interdependent, and self-directed experience.


Active learning is important to incorporate and to explain its importance the students in the online classes.

Active learning supports teaching outcomes such as critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills, and knowledge acquisition for students. 


Online Instructors facilitate active learning in the online course by assisting students in developing their critical thinking skills, encouraging and promoting good communication skills.


I have taken and taught online courses in multiple institutions, and I have had training in active learning techniques, particularly for adult learners in three different institutions.

My take away is how easy it is to fall back into less effective patterns of teaching. So I get to try again.


I learned that active learning moves the student from passitive to active learning. Active learning, in my opinion promotes more learning and retention of information in a fun environment

Fun is important in the learning process because some instructors may not believe that having fun while learning is not that very important. I also learned that the three different classifications of active learning are:

1. Collobrative Learning

2. Cooperative Learning

3. Problem-based Learning

I learned that online instructors should act as guides, helping their students throughout the full process completing an assignment.

Online learning is difficult and keeping the attention of the students is sometimes challenging. I intend on incorporating active learning by creating group activities, focusing on reflective tasks and being more of a guide than an instructor. 

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