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Establishing clear and succinct information and directions for students is key in student success.


I have taken both types of classes and there are pros and cons to each.  For the math courses I teach using a VC is the best.  This way we can do examples together and talk things through.  I have the blessing of my students all being from the same area so the timing is not an issue.


individual learning procceses are still best to be tailored and online can offer many options to expoor on many fronts 

Both asynchronous and synchronous courses require good course organization. 

Organization is thekey regardless ofwhether the course is offered synchronous or asynchronous.  It would seem that a effective course would use a hybrid to allow for students some control and have the benefit of the instructor to help motivate and assure progress.


I learned the differences between synchronous and asynchronous learning and instruction.  Advantages and disadvantages were outlined.  The pattern of teaching was discussed with an emphasis upon consistency and helping students learn not only where the centralized area is to learn in, but how/when to access it, is it functioning properly?  Students can also help each other and earn extra credit by utilizing discussion boards.

It is important to determine what type of online teaching must be used to adequately teach students in an online environment. It is very important that for both asynchronous and synchronous learning, there should be consistency and instructions are given to students regarding submission of projects/assignments and establish an FAQ portion in the LMS being used.



Both methods are useful. For me to learn, I have to be comfortable with the method and feel that I can navigate through the lesson.

I think both methods are good.


Synchronous happens at the same time where as asychronus learning doesnt happen at the same time.  With online learning we tend to use synchronous more.  I plan to try to use both depending on the learnign material and the individual.

make sure to have information available and consistent interction 


Whether you are teaching synchronous or asynchronous there still needs to be organization and effective communication to facilitate the students learning and for a smooth flow of the class room. Also just becasue the class is asynchronous , the instructor still must provide student engagement and can sometimes be a challenge. So there are both advantages and disadvantages to both.


It is important to compare and contrast the synchronous and asynchronous teaching methods, and decide the most appropriate teaching method of the online environment. Both synchronous and asynchronous learning methods have advantages. Synchronous learning usually involves students' participation and may enhance learners' motivation. Asynchronous learning network aims to provide students with the ultimate anytime, anywhere learning environment. Whether using synchronous or asynchronous methods, teachers must develop guidelines.

I have learned about the importance of organization on a synchronous or asynchronous method of delivery. I plan to set guidelines to enhance student success and for the sake of time management.   

I feel like most students choose to take online courses because its easier to fit into their schedule, they can work on their course when they have the time and complete the assignments when they can. If there is too much live sychronous expectations if could hurt a student who is a working professional.  I could see having a live questions and answer session to help students who may have a problem. Or even a review for an exam. But I think too much would be harmful. 


This is a good tip:Typically, there is a discussion board set up for students to submit questions. This allows other students to answer questions as well and possibly earn extra credit points for correct and complete answers. This also reduces the number of emails the instructor receives as students (peers) are helping each other.

Content organization for either synchronous or asynchronous is important. Maintaining consistency in course design can increase the development of an effective framework.

A well-rounded instructor would be able to utilize the best features of both synchronous and asynchronous learning for the best benefits of their students. If it is possible to establish consistency with classes that is also better as students will know what to expect as their program goes along. 


I learned that it is important to consider the pros and cons of synchronous and asynchronous learning when designing a course.   

I have learned some very important items about Online instruction. I learned that a pattern of learning is very important in Online instruction. A pattern of learning includes:

1. Learning Outcomes

2. Communication

3. Centralized Learning

4. Content delivery

5. Qustions and answers

6. Assignment submission

Frequent between the instructor and the student is very important in any Online instruction.


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