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Both on your own learning and with the teacher learning have value online.  I enjoy online courses that I can take on my own at my own pace as long as a lot of feedback is put into the program.  Like this course instantly gives feedback which keeps the pace of the course moving smoothly. I also can enjoy video conferencing to see another human.


I am working on establishing both syncronous and asynchronous in a course. Provide asynchronous summary video, have synchronous online meeting over topic, and then finally provide asynchronous review. Organization and guidelines will be key. Any suggestions or pitfalls to that module approach?

Just feels like a lot more work. But I am wondering what should be provided as a carry away and how? The ability to reference this material later when they are in a real work situation and want to refresh. Hence the asyncronous review.

students need consistency in teaching patterns.  It relieves stress.


Asynchronous and Synchronous must be used when it supports your students. Bottom line, know your students and what works best for them to be successful in your course.


I think it's most important to clearly communicate the class structure to your students, whether synchonous or asynchronous. It's funny that it says synchronous is used least often. I've seen much more of this since quarantine. 


Just as in the brick-and-mortar classroom, organization and clear expectations are essential for success.  I like to think of the asynchronous and synchronous discussions as similar to individual check-ins with students while they work and the teacher walks around vs. whole group discussions.  They each serve their own purposes.


I enjoyed the language surrounding developing a consistent pattern of teaching to help the students build familiarty with course structures. 


During this module, I learned the difference between asynchronous and synchrounous.  Yesturday, I was in a meeting and the two words kept coming up in the meeting.  I did not ask the meaning of the words and I did not look them up, because the day just went by so fast.  Therefore, I am happy that I had placed this class on my schedule for this morning.  I work better teaching asynchronous.  This gives me more time with each individual student.  Plus, I am a person that is self paced.  


communications with students and clear guidelines set a course up for success.


Communication is the key to creating an appropriate learning environment for both student and instructor.  The students need to know what the expectations are and how they should be met.  Because of my own style I prefer a combination of sychronous and asynchronus learning environment.  I am more of a face to face learner as well as educator.


Whether the method employed is synchronous or ascnchronous, effective communication between the students and the instructor will ultimately lead to better learning outcome

Whether you teach the synchronous method or the more popular asynchronous method—teaching patterns, class organization, student accountability, and repeating course delivery in the same or similar fashion is key to the success of the students' learning.

Whether synchronous, asynchronous, or blended -- having guidelines, being well-organized, and affording high accessibility [of resources] to students is critical to sucessfully reaching learning outcomes.

synchronus and synchronus teaching is important and they both have benefits and downsides to both.  I think it would be difficult to implement the synchronus style in an onine classroom.


In thinking about my own program.. I feel asychronous is the preferred method with a synchronous meeting a couple times of day to check in... will have to continue to think about this process.


Asynchronus and Synchronus are both great tools but are totally different. In my case Synchronus is the way to go with the Covid-19 situation I can teach my classrom at the same time with all of my students present.Trying to keep some normal. Considering the times we are in,the Zoom program is awesome.

Synchronous and asynchronous instruction are both essential in my particular adult education setting at this time, as set class times are available for specific lessons and also online assignments are offered for those with adult, daily life set backs and need the flexibility.

Organization and communication are important in being able to reach students. 


I have always used the asynchronus method but didn't know it had a name!  It best fits my teaching style and allows me to work one on one or wiith small groups of my sttudents when they apply their theory to the hands-on assignments in our lab


Even though I like synchrous learning, it sounds like asynchronous learning is the way to go for most courses. It can be hard to get students together at the same time and it makes sense to try to avoid students thinking you're available 24/7 for synchronous courses. 

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