Supporting Computer Literacy | Origin: ED205
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Enhancing Students' Professional Skills --> Supporting Computer Literacy
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
it is noted that students are entering the work field without the proper sills in computers. Students must grasp computer basics while in school to compete with the rapid changes in the work fields.
I believe if job ads were created and specifically listed computer literacy skills, we could improve literacy skills because of their job/career relevance.
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." It's part of our culture and embedded into society. One must get acquainted with technology in order to stay ahead of the curve and be successful.
I learned that I need to improve my computer literacy skill as listed here, especially improving my system for files and folders and file-naming.
Computer literacy is essential today to meet the demands of our changing world in the workplace, at home, or in school.
- The combination of professional skills and computer literacy should help students to manage more effectively with the challenges and demands of a rapidly changing world
- Students should take a computer course to learn how to use a computer more efficiently versus learning it through course work
Computer literacy is necessary in education and professional development.
I am computer short bus, and I am always having issues with not being able to get into things or just have trouble navigating through a portal, so I know first hand the pains of the computer. But on the other hand I would not be able to do my job without it.
Computer literacy is vital to most professions today.
Requiring a "computer course" in the first term of the VN program would be extremely helpful to the wide range of students in the nursing courses ( teens to adults). Many teens might know how to text, but can they successfully navigate around the programs & upload & download required information. Many adult learners have limited computer knowledge. This course would definitely alleviate some of the anxiety seen in new students.
Technology is an essential tool that I love to incorporate into the student learning experience. It's not going away, and students need all the resources to help them use current technological tools.
I like that this module addresses computer literacy because this is an issue I deal with myself and with students. I thought it was interesting that this module states that people should be able to troubleshoot common computer and printer problems. This would be helpful! Most of what I have learned in these areas has been trial and error and IT! It would be helpful to have actual learning related to these areas. It would certainly save time and reduce panic.
Students may be proficient in using computers, but may have all the skills needed. Focusing on specific computer literacy skills can be very beneficial for them and help them to be successful in the future.
Supporting computer literacy is important because developing computer literacy skills will increase competence in various computer contexts. As an educator I will provide formal instruction to develop their computer literacy skills, cover essential skills, hands-on practice, promote critical thinking, and integration with professional skills. These strategies will equip students with computer literacy skills to thrive in today's digital society.
We should not always expect students to enter our classrooms with the type of computer literacy required for the profession.
I can testify that a minimum level of competency is necessary for the field of audio engineering. Knowing how to operate a cellphone and not a computer makes no sense to me, but unfortunately i've come across students who live in this reality. Our Module 1 program starts off with basic computer training for the first 2 weeks, but every now and then some students fall through the cracks. Computer literacy vetting has to be stronger.
Computer literacy is required in the workplace and on a personal level for security, best practice, resourceful, troubleshooting practices.
While the statement that computer literacy is essential in the modern world, holds water, I do believe it is important to recognize the role that critical thinking plays in the development of computer literacy and to understate the role it plays leads to the detriment of the student.
Computer literacy is essential to today's educational experiences. To complete an assignment, computer technology is used to gain knowledge through research.