Joicy Thomas

Joicy Thomas

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People skills and common sense are important


Students will need to have at least basic computer skills and it is very important to include the information on the ethical and legal use of social media in this age of technology. 



We can develop liifelong learning skills to promote professional growth in students by encouraging reflection activities, encouraging self-management skills, etc.



Students must be encouraged to build their teamwork skills. Small group discussions or assignments would be a great way to develop teamwork skills.



We can assign writing assignments that are linked to the course goals and objectives. Writing assignments helps the instructor identify some of the strengths and weaknesses that need improvement in the students. Prompt and positive feedbacks will be helpful for the students.



It would be essential to teach self-management skills to students that involves time management, developing job-related skills, prioritizing tasks. The assignments such as concept maps, case studies, etc. will facilitate the development of time management, and prioritization skills in the students.


It is better not to push the students to be an extreme decision dependent or decision independent thinker. As educators, we must facilitate critical thinking, clinical judgment and problem solving skills in the student, by providing opportunities, refining and developing their expertise.




The critical thinking skills help in looking at each situation in depth, evaluating it and applying it as appropriate. Reflection helps in evaluating the available evidence, and to use judgment to choose the right steps to solve an issue or a problem. This information can be applied in academia to include reflection activities for students which will help in promoting the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills.




Characteristics of a critical thinker:gain new information and apply it often, skills for good judgment to make appropriate repsonses.

This can be applied in the academia to enrich the learning experinec of students.



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