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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Dealing with problem students

I speck to them and let them first of all know that im there for them not aganist them i try to make them feel good about themselfs and the carrier they chose

Good training

I will apply the information I learned in the training to the classroom. 

How do you get students to provide feedback

Make sure that the environment is non-threatening.

Choosing a topic

I ask the class what topic they would enjoy most and would also be beneficial.  This turns into a lively dicussion and we all agree on a topic.

This works great for me!

Soft skills

Soft skills are incrediable important for the adult learner. Many students have personal issues away from school however, when you engage soft skills, they will open up to you and become better students


I have learned a lot from this module

modeling & teaching

This isn't actually the case. I think those people just stand out in our memory a little more. Research has shown the people with high IQ's tend to be over all more successful in all areas of life than those with low IQ's. However, there are cases of individuals with Autism or Aspergers as mentioned that are highly intelligent, but have difficulty reading emotions. Women also tend to have better interpersonal skills than men, but this is not always the case.

Teaching Professionalism in Class

One of the techniques that I incorporate in class for teaching Professionalism is role play. I come to class doing something that is not proper like: wearing open toed shoes in the lab or eating. At first, the students look at this like normal and when I ask about the rules and regulations for the class that opens up a topic for discussion and an open-ended question session. At the end they realized the importance of being professional in the workplace and they learn the improtance of following the rules.

Strong Learner / Weak Learner

When I observe a student in the class having difficulty with a subject maatter, I ask one of the strong learners in the group to seat next to the person.  The results of this coupling is very positive.  I have assessed a difference in the student's ability to grasp material.


Very interesting subject matter. I learned alot from this course! Success depends on Technical as well as soft skills.


Soft skills are more than being everyone's friend

- Soft skills have never been my strong suit, in fact I am uncomfortabele around strangers. I admire glad handers who have the inate ability to never have met a stranger just a friend they aren't aquainted with yet. Yet I love teraching. Somehow its different when I'm in front of a class room. I think because I had difficulty learning that I truely respect anyone who voluntarily enters the classroom to learn. Respect for your students will go a long way to making up for any short comings you have with meeting strangers. I also beleive and tell them from… >>>

soft skills today

just finished this course, however found the differences between people skills, soft skills, and workplace behaviors a little confusing - have a master's in psych. and didn't do as well on this as I thought I would, others?


I teach in a trade school. I find empathy and communication are the most frequently used parts of my soft skills. Even though I am skilled in the trade I teach, I find that the students respond best to a instructor who cares and understqands them individually. This course helped me understand the importance of soft skills a little more.

assessing learning styles

the course helped me gain more knowledge of how to assess studen't learning styles a little better and I could relate to the examples used for particular students-  I plan on using some of these techniques next semester.


already include a good bit of this onformation in terms of learning style and soft skill- however the computer literacy information was helpful to me and i will use it in the classroom


I find a good way to teach about ethics is to have students share their experiances at clinicals. Then we discuss if treatment was appropriate or what could be done differently. The students really seem to enjoy other's stories.

Enhancing Students' Professional Skills

Currently, I manage on average 50 students in a "clinical residency" where they are demonstrating clinical and therapeutic knowledge and skills for the industry that they are training for. I provide a strong structure so the students can focus on the aquisition of the experience, and so I have time to "touch" each students with one-on-one instructional guidance and feedback. It is my goal for them to be very self-directed learners so that they can be self-directed in their future professional life, and to consider themselves life-long learners seeking out appropriate continuing education, supervision, and training that they need to run a private practice. I… >>>

Action plan

One is to listen when students come into classroom with issues or big sigh... usually means there is something going on with them... or if a student slams his book down on the desk or slams the door etc... student is carrying extra axiety around... we need to be more alert.

Or when a student start missing classes there is usually personal issue going on at home and see if there is solution for the student so he/she does not miss a lot time getting the work done.

Medical issue going on medications are not working again they seem unfocused… >>>

Soft Skills

When you do teach you the soft skills are very important in the delivery of the subject matter to make sure everyone in class understand what you are trying to get across... I still fall beck on 5 sense: see white board, power point, touch ahve them write or take notes and int advent of smart phone the student are loosing that because they want to take pictures or have us upload the power points on the engrade calender... hear as I speak on certain points or point out what is important.

Plus during the lab time when they are… >>>


Softskills are needed everywhaer


Lessons Learned

I never thought about how much more effective I could be by adding more research, group projects and presentation.  For presentation I'm going to add Glogster multimedia and Prezi presentation opportunities for my students to show them alternatives to death by PowerPoint.