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I personally believe that sleep is the best medicine for stress, getting a restful night is key. 

There are healthy and unhealthy ways to deal with stress.

Exercise, breathing, healthy sleep habits, and sharing a great ways to deal with stress.

Excessive alcohol or drug use are unhealthy and people should avoid these stress management techniques.

Coping with the different stress levels

I've learned how to identify the different ways we cope with stress.

A large percentage of doctor visits is due to stress. We shouldn't use to unhealthy coping mechanisms to reduce stress because it will create more stress in the long run 

I am in charge.  I am organized and prepared.  My stress is REDUCED!!!!

Talking to other instructors and not procrastinating  

I enjoyed the reminder that implementing stress reducers such as exercise, breathing techniques, exercise, and proper sleep significantly impacts our overall health and ability to manage our stress. Even hydration plays a large part in managing stress. Implementing moments to apply these reducers in the classroom helps to improve the student's learning environment. I take the first two minutes of class to implement a quick breathing exercise and always provide access to water and healthy snacks. Ensuring my students are in the best mental state to start our lesson has helped reduce distractedness and inattentiveness.

I realized how much stressors impact my life/work balance and how I can change those around by eliminating and reducing stressors.

Create healthy ways to reduce stress such as exercise, organizational tools, or meditation. 

It's interesting to consider the "stress list" and then consider ways of eliminating or reducing stress. I could see this creating a positive feedback loop where reducing more stressors can lead to innovative ideas for reducing others that didn't originally occur to you. Practice makes us better! 


Stress like pain exists for a reason – that reason is to know when limits have been met! Being organized in it of itself will reduce stress. Being organized is a sign of control. Often times stress is a result of being out of control or not being in control of a given situation. That brings about COPING with stress. The external factors that contribute to stress need to be addressed also. Being overweight, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking all lead to an overall degradation of physical well-being that lends itself to a reduced sense of self-esteem. In other words, if you’re not happy and confident in who you are – that in it of itself could be a huge contributor to stress at the very core. 

Also, go for a walk – or two….stretch and flex.  Find a work partner to participate. IT WORKS!  

It's important to use different mechanisms to cope with different stressors. 

I'm already a huge advocate for minimal stress.  Of course life has deadlines, but we can still make it fun while accomplishing the tasks we're required to get done in the process.

I learned to make a list of my stressors, and ways to eliminate or reduce each of

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