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I really enjoyed learning about digital badges and portfollios.  These are just some more options to showcase one's skills and talents!

There are many chances to engage students in their learning. I will use some of the ideas used in this course in order to promote a better learning environment. 


 Students get to apply what they have been learning and see if they are prepared to work in the real world.

The portfolio will help with employment success and the badging system is great for empowerment.

Doris R. Owens

The badges helps the student signfy their identity.

Really tie in the aspect of helping with their future careers into the content.  Celebrate the successes!


Supporting the student in learning is so important.


Maybe gold stars? Sorry, I don't support the badge idea.

Finding a way to recognize the soft skills my students are developing will become a priority.   Rotating students through leadership roles in the class and then recognizing their developing skills shoud encourage them to practice even more leadership opportunities within the leadership control of the Instructor's goals.

Students should take pride in their efforts. Encourage celebration of successes and help students grow when they struggle. 


Profiles and Badges is something that I implement in my classroom. Students are awarded there Perfect attendance  and Honor roll certificate and they receive a pin to add to there layard . Students confidence goes up because they are showing off there acheivements. They work hard to receive the next one. It as times becomes a healthy competition between students. It definately empowers them.


Career portfolios is something I would like to better develop for my students.


Student involvement leads to great  life experience badges

You have to help students find their bliss. 

Emphasize on student achievements in preparing career employment portfolios as an empowerment tool for students. 

That the students engaging in the making of a career portfolio is very valuable and a way to see past just a resume.

Portfolios and badges are both great ways to showcase student success and even secure employment.

Student empowerment can have a transformative impact on the learning experience, both for individual students and for the classroom as a whole. When students are given opportunities to take ownership of their learning, to make decisions about their learning process, and to engage with the course material in meaningful ways, they are more likely to feel invested, motivated, and successful in their academic pursuits. As an educator, it is important to foster a culture of empowerment in the classroom, one that values student input, feedback, and collaboration, and that encourages students to take an active role in their own learning. By doing so, we can help students develop critical thinking skills, build self-confidence, and become lifelong learners who are equipped to succeed in their academic and professional pursuits.

Badges are a wonderful way for students to work toward knowledge and mastery of a subject, and not simply a letter grade, which could be ambiguous. 

Career badges are like initials behind a person’s name

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