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Planning Effective Questions | Origin: ED125

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Effective and Efficient Instructional Strategies --> Planning Effective Questions

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Having Effective and efficient instructional strategies put in place plays a huge rol in how develop your questions to evaluate the effectiveness of the material that you are presenting to your classroom. Executing the planning step when developing your questions will greatly increase the strength in those questions and result in better evaluation of the students learning.

I have learned from this segment to avoid asking if the students have any questions as a blanket statement. I almost always do this before moving on to the next subject or within the last few minutes of class. To better educate the class, a better method would be to formulate questions that students most likely have but may not be willing to share. This can lead to a discussion where students do not feel singled out for not understanding content. 

I think it you have several questions that can lead to the same answer you will help more students.

The instructor needs to have well thought out questions that engage and motivate all students. Some students have a tendency to answer all the questions and in traditional setting there are several ways to handle. In an online environment we need to remember to allow all students time to formulate responses.


I find when I do ask my english as a second language learner questions I always give them more time to answer due to them transulating it in their own language. This is something that helped me when I was younger and didn't speak english.


Seth Soronnadi

That; "Rather than asking “any questions?” the teacher should know what the students should be asking and should ask those questions to the students. It takes a little more time, but it really benefits the students in the end."


Effective teachers ask a variety of different questions and at different levels.


Planning is essential, being careful not to ask a question that we know students will not respond to, being aware of the students reactions during the lesson is important

Plan and know what questions should be asked.  Provide students sufficient time to properly respond to the question.  Encourage student participation by complimenting their participation, effort, and answers.  Provide more leading questions to help a student arrive at the correct answer if they initially provide an incorrect response.

Great teachers ask great questions that inspire students. Plan questions for different levels and allow students time to answer.

Come prepared to class with your questions so you can call on individual students to check understanding of the day's lesson materials.

Good questions encourage student participation.  Provide leading  questions to help the students logic out the answers.

We already had a course on asking questions appopriatly but I appreciate the redundancy. I really need to ensure that I am asking the right questions in the right way. I like the idea of pre-planning the questions. Never asking, "Any questions?" is good advice. If asked at the end of the class, the students might not answer because they want to get out of there!

have planned questions for class


I like the concept of leading a student to the correct answer by asking more questions. It promotes higher level thinking and engages student's in learning without embarassing them.

I found this module very intresting in how to ask effective questions..... The basics of questioning thru Blooms aproach was riviting & really hit home. It makes more sence now.  Considering the 3 learning domains & the 6 leveles of learning will help me in effectivly structure my questions in the future. Keeping the Why, What & How in mind is essential in asking effective quetions.


The outline that I will keep in mind when asking more effective questions will be....

  • Planned questions.
  • Direct to individual students.
  • Folow question by silence for time to formulate a response.
  • Repete the question & reinforce the answer, with proper feedback.
  • Allow spontainious questions to be asked from incorrect responses.
  • Ask questions above the recall level of the students to foster critical thinking above the application level, such as the analysis level, Synthisis level, or the Evaluation level.

I think it is important not to belitttle a student in front of the class or jsut move on to another student if the wrong answer to a question was given.  Talk to the student and redirect them to discover the answer on thsir own.  This path actually helps the entire class learn how to get to the correct answer.


Knowing the right way to ask a question will engage the student.  Having a variety of questions that will get you the same answer will help with reaching all the students


Properly planned questions by instructors facilitate students to have a better understanding of the subject matter.

Take time to prepare. Have questions ready to open up discussions. Do not avoid students who do not know answers, do not let them off the hook

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