It is important to budget the time segments while teaching content and gauge the student's attention and engagement. If redirection is needed; then, change focus and activities to engage the students in another way. Also, giving additional resources to enhance learning will help students especially those who are struggling.
When planning your lecture you need to plan for extra time or less time for something when engaging in previous concept. You as the leader needs to judge how to adjust.
When you have been through the course several times you will start to develop a feel for how each unit is going to go and how much time the students will spend on it. Even at this more confident point in your course experience, you will find that different classes work at different speeds.
Offering a fun pretest to see what knowledge students bring into the class
Be open to changing to plan B when A is not working. Watch your students and adapt your instructional information for your students when they become restless.
When students are not grasping the material presented take time to have them utilize the skills they already have with problem solving through a case study or other activity to help stimulate the skills they have and focus on what they may be missing.
Trying to stay flexible with the presentation when the class isn't into it or just not getting it.
Being able to pivot on the spot and change what you are doing or how you are instructing is key.
I think it's important to have an arsenal of various types of activities and assignments to allow for broader understanding and retention of information. Doing the same types of activities over and over can affect a student's interest in the content and create boredom. I used to hate it when a student comes into the classroom and says, "what are we doing today?". I used to want to respond with "look at your syllabus" but I've realized that if they have to ask what we're doing, then I'm doing something right. They may know what we're going to talk about from the syllabus, but they shouldn't know all of my moves before I make them. It keeps it fun and interesting.
Change to Plan B when your lesson is not working out.
Redirection is necessary when students become off-task. I wait or may do a task that hints at my students they should pay attention and eventually this will win the audience over.
Pay attention to the vibe in the room. Be ready to change course. Be ready for plan B. Find solutions to students who are not at the same knowledge base.
This unit made me think that I should assign the 4 learning styles as a requirement for my students when they present on a topic so they cover all four. Also trying to break up my content more, into bite sized pieces.
Do a quick 3x5 card assessment if they seem to be struggling, to understand where the probs are coming from .
If students get distracted, reroute the lesson to regain their attention.
I appreciate the advice of what to do if you have gone over your expected amount of time but still have information to discuss. Adjusting your expectations and lesson plans as you go is vital to ensure efficacy of your class.
Lesson plans should be planned ahead. Have contingency plans in place if you are needed to redirect the class.
I learned to change activities if you start to notice that students are not engaged anymore. I also learned to always have a Plan B, if Plan A is not working as well. I learned that having feedback from students is a good way to improve your instruction. You may be able to pinpoint what is not working for students.
Approaching lessons with an "on the fly" plan of what adjustments can be made, and where, to keep the lesson valuable while achieving objectives.
Comment on Adrianna Olch's post: It is important to take charge of the class and also remember that the students are adult learners. I feel the best approach to gain control of the class is to redirect them to the assignment or activity.